Tag Archives | marinara

Cheesy Vegetable Gratin

Cheesy Vegetable Gratin / Bev Cooks

I’m calling it a gratin because of the layering. And the cheese. You can call it a bake if you want! Or a gratin. Or just awesome. This is one of those side dishes that you’d probably have anyway, but not like this. And I want you to have it like this. Because this is […]

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Indian Turkey Meatballs over Rice


Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhh. Meatballs. But not just any meatballs! Turkey meatballs. But not just any turkey meatballs! Indian turkey meatballs. But not just any Indian turkey meatballs! I’m not sure what to say now. But! This is sosososoosososososoooooogood. It’s like spaghetti and meatballs, but totally twisted and turned upside down with seductive spices, a buttery marinara, […]

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Italian Sausage and Pepperoni Stromboli


I’m not even a little bit sorry. You know sometimes when you’re just doing your thing, like sweeping the living room floor and singing “Reflections” by the Supremes into the tip of the broom, and a random taste appears in your mouth out of nowhere, and you’re like WHAT IS THAT. WHAT. IS. THAT. And […]

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Homemade Calzones with Chicken and Asparagus


So, yesterday afternoon while Aaron and I marked off some embarrassingly overdue chores on our to-do list, I kept pondering dinner. Out loud. “Hey babe, what should we have for dinner? What do you want to eat? What sounds good tonight? What are you craving? When should we start cooking? Now perhaps? No? Stop talking? […]

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