Tag Archives | asian

Potsticker Soup

Potsticker Soup / Bev Cooks

Okaaaaaay. This right here? About to win your face over. Potsticker soup! Hello, this shortcut is everything. We’re ripping open a bag of frozen potstickers and violently dumping them into a criminally simple soup for a weeknight wowza. What’s not to obsess over? Nothing. There is nothing. You’ll cry over this. We’ll sauté a few […]

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Asian Cucumber Salad

Asian Cucumber Salad / Bev Cooks

I’ve been wanting to make something like this for the blog FOREVUUUUUR. (Sandlot style) Well, pigeons, today’s the day. You see this type of crunchy cucumber salad all over the place. Can it be called a salad even? Sure. We’re doing it. It’s embarrassingly easy and you’ll need to peruse the pantry to throw this […]

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Seared Ahi Tuna Bowls

Seared Ahi Tuna Bowls / Bev Cooks

Oh heeeeey I’m officially back with recipes. Summer recipes! Starting with raw fish! Ha! Oh. So I wouldn’t necessarily call this a poke bowl, only because I seared the ahi tuna. This has been a recipe that I’ve wanted to make for so long, I still had my baby teeth. (that came out way grosser […]

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Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowls

Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowls / Bev Cooks

UM. OKAY. I know you’re probably like, “Chicken, broccoli and rice, whoop dee do.” But. Hi, this chicken. Is coated in all that stuff you see in this next photo. And it has sweetness. And a little kick. It’s a little bit country. And a little bit rock ‘n roll. This LOOKS like a lot […]

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Three-Cup Chicken

Three-Cup Thai Chicken / Bev Cooks

You know those meals that leave you stunned and speechless and psychotically gleeful? THIS. This. This! THIS! t h i s. You’re hesitant, I can tell. But I will change you. First of all, there’s this show. This Netflix docu-style food show that Aaron and I recently discovered and are just loony over. It’s called […]

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Asian Beef and Cabbage

Asian Beef and Cabbage / Bev Cooks

This is one of those “let-the-farmer’s-market-guide-me” meals. Are you annoyed? BECAUSE holy hail. It is crazy. Simple and crazy. Not crazy like, “She’s got a knife in her purse!” or, “Is she really listening to Michael Bolton right now?” But crazy. So crazy that we’ve made it twice and I still want to punch it […]

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Chicken Spring Rolls


Is it obnoxious to post spring rolls a month before spring? I’m pretending that you’re shaking your head so hard your eyeballs are loosening. Spring rolls! How can you not? They’re spring rolls. With GROUND CHICKEN. But let me just say right here and right now, swap in pork or beef if you want. If […]

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Asian Steak Lettuce Wraps

Asian Steak Lettuce Wraps / Bev Cooks

There’s rice in it, too, so please don’t x out. Lettuce wraps! It’s been a while since I’ve made slash posted lettuce wraps. I always forget about these delightful canoes o’ savory bliss. I know it’s an odd time of year to be posting lettuce wraps, with all the soups and creamy pastas and casseroles […]

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