Weidner Turkey Burgers


A few years ago Aaron and I took a full 365 days off from eating pork and beef. A few of you out there are thinking, “niiiiiice you guuuuuys.” And the rest of you are having to use a car jack to lift your jaws from the ground. We made the decision mostly for environmental […]

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Grilled Steak with Sauteed Beans


Remember last week when I made this dish? Well, when I bought the wax beans at the farmer’s market, the little basket was enough to feed at least 14 dinner parties.  So, I’ve been eying the remaining half in my crisper for the last few days, wondering what to do with em, before they grow […]

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Grilled Summer Pizza


I won’t speak for everyone, but I feel like for every foodie bloggerister, mastering the art of pizza dough is pretty important. Aaron and I have fiddled with about 7,325 different pizza dough recipes. Some resulting in rounds of high-fives; others resulting in pouty face parties. It just happens. Well, I’m going to surrender to […]

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I’ve Got a Seedy Husband


This afternoon while picking up the house in preparation for overnight guests, I noticed Aaron sitting at the table, meticulously leaning over little see-through envelopes, digging around in our small indoor compost bin. “Weirdo,” I thought, and kept on cleaning. A few minutes later he summons me to the living room to show me his […]

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A Day With Matthew Collins


A week ago today I had the ultimate privilege of having one of Kansas City’s most talented photographers over for a day of food styling, food photography, and, well – food eating. Matthew Collins is good. He’s really good. And he was so patient with my constant yappings of, “Okay so what setting is that? […]

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Shrimp and Corn Chowder with Bacon


Do you remember the moment in Twilight when Edward is showing Bella his glass bedroom for the first time? And they nervously exchange glances of brewing desire? Remember how DeBussy’s “Clair de lune” is playing softly in the background? Remember the slight brush against Bella’s arm before he led her into a gentle, sexy twirl? […]

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Quick Spaghetti with a Fresh Tomato Sauce


You guys, it’s so hot here that when I went outside to check on the garden this morning, at least 15 ripe tomatoes had their sad little viney hands reaching up to me, begging through tears to be picked and taken indoors to a cooler, safer world. One plant even had a little boombox busting […]

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