Jalapeno Peppers: Before and After


I spy something green. I spy something 4 inches long. I spy something spicy. I spy a bowl filled with 3,915 of these things. I spy a garden birthing 7,624 more of these things. I spy a panicked married couple staring at each other through a blur of tears, scratching their armpits and wondering how […]

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Chicken and Green Bean Stir-Fry


You need to know something about my husband. You don’t know how hard this is for me to tell you. I’m fully aware that this could be a deal-breaker. But just listen to me. And after you hear this, if you need to shut down your computer, go for a run, take a hot shower […]

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The Mojito. Moe-Hee-Toe.


Yesterday afternoon a couple of girlfriends came over to see my new mortar and pestle. You guys, it was like I’d brought home a new baby. We gazed upon it. We pet it. We lovingly wished great blessings upon it. And then we muddled the tar out of some mint and started drinking. Making a […]

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Wild Flower Pickin’


The girls are coming over in a bit for some mojitos. We’re going to give my new mortar and pestle a proper christening. For the event, I thought a little bit of backyard wild flower pickin’ was in order. I’m even going to WASH MY HAIR.    

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Sneak Peek!


Don’t leave me alone on this. Give it all you GOT. Shine for the world! Let the people of the land know your infinite wisdom!! . . . or just take a guess. What’s on the menu tonight?

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Sneak Peek!


Earlier I complained about having some nasal congestion, sounding screechingly similar to Janis, from Friends. One whiff of this lovely mess and that problem all but disappeared. Poor Janis. I loved her. That probably explains a lot, doesn’t it? Any ideas?! The final post on this dish is a big surprise! It will be a […]

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Mortar + Pestle = Giddy Pants


Look at this baby. Just look at it. My dad bought this mortar and pestle for me over the labor day weekend. It was rather humorous, actually. (cue Saved By the Bell edge fade to indicate memory) We’re all sitting around the breakfast table, sipping coffee and flipping through the paper, starting to churn on […]

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Grilled Chicken with Green Beans and Potatoes


As you know, we were welcomed home yesterday to a Mount Everest-sized pile of green beans and jalapeno peppers. Which was zippity do da with me, because instead of hitting the grocery store, I needed to bathe our dog. Our little dog who tromped through the woods and invited 463 zillion chiggers, ticks and fleas […]

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