Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FRI (black) DAY. You guys, THE SAUERKRAUT. Wait, have I even talked about it on here? Surely I have. Have I? Oh my gosh, I don’t think I have. Have I? I’m suuure I have. Wait, have I? So, I made homemade sauerkraut for Thanksgiving yesterday, and I have to say: total success! I’ve been […]

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Friday Flotsam

friday flotsam

friday YADIRF friday YADIRF friday YADIRF friday YADIRF friday YADIRF. I had to double check that like thrice to make sure everything was spelled right. And of course nothing was. POLL: Do you use your bath mat strictly as a bath mat, OR an area rug? Meaning, do you drape it over the tub edge […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Friday.                              !!!!!!           …….                !!!!!!!!                  .               ! I’d like to openly and shamelessly admit something to the world right now. I may lose readers, but that’s okay. I may lose friends, but I just have to stand up for myself right now. I might even lose FAMILY, but this is a risk I’m willing to take. […]

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Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup

Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup / Bev Cooks

I don’t think we’ve slurped enough this season. Usually I say this next sentence towards the end, but I just can’t rightly deal with suffering in silence that long. I cannot WAIT for you to make this soup! It has everything. Yesyesyesyesyesyes. (<–name that character) Sausage (yes), mini pasta (hurts), rustic fire-roasted tomatoes (heavens), cream […]

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Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam / Bev Cooks

FWIDAY. WHAT BWINGS US. TUGEVAAA. TODAAAY. Look. I’m going to go ahead and address the tomato in the room. (name that show) I know it’s on everyone’s minds, I can sense it. But no one wants to be the one to ask the burning question. But I’ll ask. I’m not afraid. WHERE IS NEW GIRL? […]

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