Patio Livin’. Plus a Discount!

Patio Livin' - Plus a Discount!

Patio part-aaaay! And by party I mean me sitting on my patio alone with a glass (bottle?) of rosé. Are you a patio person? (Not to be confused with pod person.) Like, do you host, hang outside, grill, read, play corn hole (<–I’ll never not say corn hole), have picnics, stick your feet in the […]

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Friday Flotsam

Summer boy at the pool

Friiiieeeeeedayyyyyeeeeeeee!.!.!!!…! O M G. I have the craziest dream to tell you all about! It’s about Justin Bieber. And I’m not even a Justin Bieber person. Perhaps my subconscious is? Ew. Anyway, I had the dream earlier this week, but I wrote it all down the SECOND I woke up, so I could relay it […]

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Friday Flotsam

Rose Garden Babies

FREENER. FREELEE. FREEDER? Friday. Do you twitch? You know what, let me start over. Do your muscles ever twitch, say – after a run? You know how you’ll exercise, then you slow down, sit down, and then your legs flicker all up and down with tiny electric fish under your skin? WHAT IS THAT. And […]

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Friday Flotsam

Split Leaf Philodendron

FRAHDAHHHHHHHHHH! Raise your hand if your whole city slash life is completely drenched in rain? THIS IS CRAZY. I feel like the entire U.S. is a giant squish fest. It’s rained for days. DAYS. And there’s no end in sight. Sort of. We actually DO get a break Saturday and Sunday, which is perfect because […]

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