Friday Flotsam


F a r i d a y y y y a y. I went to my very first floral arranging class last night! Wait, floral arranging, or flower arranging? I guess floral. Or flower. Or florer. Or flowal. Or stop? It was SO.INTERESTING. Except, by the end of the night I called the florist my […]

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Slow Cooker Ranch Chicken Nachos

Slow Cooker Ranch Chicken Nachos / Bev Cooks

We’re going to pretend I’m super into March Madness right now. Because nachos! Nachos aren’t really even game food. I mean, they ARE. But for me they’re more like, get-in-my-face-all-the-dang-time food. I have a love/hate relationship with nachos. The LOVE part? Uh, how can one not appreciate a giant platter of crunchy carbs topped with […]

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Shrimp Po’ Boy Panzanella

Shrimp Po' Boy Panzanella / Bev Cooks

Also known as, salad night just got awesome. Do you salad night? I say it like it’s a verb. But it is. Salad night. It’s an action! We salad night once or twice a week, normally on Monday nights. I’ve been trying to jazz it up lately (don’t tell anyone I just said jazz it […]

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Friday Flotsam

Daffodils in the snow

FRIDAYEEEEEAAAAEEEEAAAAEEEEEAAAAAAY. Tell me about matcha tea. Is it a bunch of hocus pocus mumbo jumbo? Or does it REALLY WORK?  Is it like those nasty foot pad thingies from 10 years ago that suck out all of the toxins – omg do you remember those?! The first time I saw those I was so freaking […]

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Green Spring Breakfast

Green Spring Breakfast / Bev Cooks

SPRING IS NEXT WEEK. (sorry to scream.) Do you remember in that one Gilmore Girls episode when Richard’s had a heart issue and he’s in the hospital, and Emily’s running around all distracted about FISH and the HOUSE and her JUMPSUIT and what not? And Lorelai’s all, “Mom, simmer it.” And Emily’s all, “WHAT, FISH […]

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Friday Flotsam

spring seeds

FREEEEEEEDeh. Do you sing in your car? Like, do you sing along at the top of your lungs to Sarah McLachlan or Led Zeppelin or Blink 182 or whatever? OKAY BUT. Do you sing along at stop lights. Next to someone. Or do you stop singing all together because you’re afraid you’ll forget the lyrics […]

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Skillet Chicken Lasagna

Skillet Chicken Lasagna / Bev Cooks

Is YAS QUEEN appropriate right now? Because o.m.g. Skillet chicken lasagna. And not only that, it’s free form! Meaning, your kids get to break the lasagna noodles into pieces and get a little bit too carried away with it but you don’t mind because you like to see them learning about cooking so you release […]

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Friday Flotsam


Feh Reh IIIIIIIII deh Aeh Yay. I just now, JUST NOW, this week, a few days ago, JUST NOW learned the exact word to describe my home approach. And of course it’s a weird word to write and say, so I find it very serendipitous to my life strangeness. HYGGE. Hygge! But pronounced Hue-gah. You […]

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