Archive | Vegetarian

Grilled Artichokes


This weekend was definitely one for the books. Like, every single one of the books. I had the pleasure of hosting the incredibly talented Helene Dujardin in my home. She. is. so. much. fun. you. guys. We drank wine, we cooked, we watched mystery shows on tv, we took pictures, we went out to dinner […]

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First Tablespoon Article!


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Well, *I* have, at least. Remember how I told you about becoming a part of the team? Well, I’m still squealing every 5 minutes and running around like a butternut squash with its head cut off. (see what I did there?) Without further ado, I present […]

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Cookbook Review and Mushroom Soup


Something really cool happened. Yes, I washed my hair, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Do you want to guess? Do you like guessing games? See, I do, but it seems like anytime I crave a good guessing game, everyone around me groans, rolls their eyes and would rather discuss oral hygiene. On turtles. […]

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Roasted Butternut Squash and Kale Pizza


A couple of evenings ago my phone danced around on the kitchen table, alerting me of a new text. “I’ve some got butternut squash from my parent’s garden for ya. Can I drop by real quick?” Sa-weeeeet. We hadn’t grown any butternut squash in our garden this year (or ever), so when Carly brought the […]

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Jalapeno Peppers: Before and After


I spy something green. I spy something 4 inches long. I spy something spicy. I spy a bowl filled with 3,915 of these things. I spy a garden birthing 7,624 more of these things. I spy a panicked married couple staring at each other through a blur of tears, scratching their armpits and wondering how […]

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Breakfast with Breckon


This is my sweet munchkin, pigeon darling, beebee doll, giggle box, angel face, almond-eyed, dooty booty, pumpkin pooty, baby niece, Breckon. We’re having breakfast. I almost got so excited sitting next to her that I forgot about my eggs and starting eating her nose off. Danger zone, I tell you.

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