Archive | Tacos

Steak Taco Pizza

Steak Taco Pizza / Bev Cooks

BUT LIKE, street tacos. Street steak tacos. Steak street tacos. You on board? In all my years of food blogging, this might be one of those times where I genuinely wish I could e-funnel just a tiny slice into your gaping-open mouth via some magical loophole in monitor portals. Because THIS PIZZA. I have no […]

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Shrimp and Cabbage Crunchy Tacos

Shrimp and Cabbage Crunchy Tacos / Bev Cooks

I’m posting FOOOOOD glory be to all the pigeon angels and baby koala bears. And tacos, none the less. Had to start back strong, ya know. Go tacos, or go home. Isn’t that the old saying? Every taco has its shell? When life gives you tacos, make tacos? I forget how it goes. Anyway, thanks […]

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Chinese Pork Tacos

Chinese Pork Tacos / Bev Cooks

Taco Thursday! Just go with me. This recipe is actually a riff of another pork dish on my site, except for some reason I called that one Thai Pork Salad. And I’m calling this one CHINESE Pork Tacos. Things that make you go hmmmmm. I’m actually calling these Chinese Pork Tacos because of the Chinese […]

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Ancho Shrimp Tacos


TACOS FOR LIFE. Sorry to scream at you, but these might just be worth a good yell fest. A) they’re shrimp tacos. B) they’re ancho kissed. C) that drizzle on top is ancho kissed, too. D) are you annoyed that I’ve said ancho kissed twice in a row? E) like, what is that even supposed […]

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Beer-Battered Catfish Tacos


First of all, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN. Holy SMOKES, you guys. I seriously can’t thank you enough for the overwhelmingly positive feedback you gave me on my last post. Wow. I’m floored, flattered, and just smitten with you all. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. That said, I’ve decided not to do a lifestyle blog. JUST KIDDING! I’m […]

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Fish Tacos with a Roasted Poblano Salsa


Little fish, little fish, swimming in the water. Duuuuncha worry. I’m not going to drown your ears out with another song. But I will say, the day I made these tacos I introduced the babelets to The Little Mermaid. Not the movie (just yet), but the soundtrack! THE FISH ON THE LAND AIN’T HAPPY. THEY […]

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Simple Beef Street Tacos


Takin’ it to the streets! I . . . don’t know what that means. BUT, after finding out I passed my (SECOND stab-o-tron) glucose test, and passing another test that shows I don’t need to be on bed rest (at least at this point), aaaand watching my dawg frolic and play like a normal little […]

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