Archive | Soup

The Great Soup Roundup of 2015


Helloooo. (said like Jerry Seinfeld) As I ease back into new-year blog cooking (because there was a birthday and then I was out of town and basically haven’t cooked a dang thing yet this year), I’ve gathered 18 (!!) of my favorite soup recipes on this here internet blog website URL for your slurping pleasure. […]

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Slow Cooker Smoky White Bean Soup


I keep wanting to type smokey and then I realize there are no bears in this bean soup. Close though! Beans. Bears. Smokey the Bear soup. Smoky the bean soup? Never mind. SOUP! And this one is so stupid easy you’ll have actual time to drink the eggnog without the whole IV thing. Don’t ask. […]

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Weeknight Indian Chicken Soup


Fall is almost here! And a gnat is dog paddling in my red wine but that’s neither here nor there. Protein? Gross. Soup, soup, soup! We can get excited about soup, right? The first leaves are flit flit floating to the ground, you’re eying that favorite wool pullover at the back of the sweater drawer, […]

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Kale Pesto and Pea Tortellini Soup


Takes like 15 minutes. Can I get a what what? Do people still do that? Can I get a this or a that? You’re like, CAN I GET A NEW FOOD BLOGGER IN MY FEED.   Kale pesto. But not just any kale. Lacinato kale, baby. Dinosaur kale. ROAAAAR. Can we forget I just roared […]

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Kale and Sausage Minestrone


You’ll have to forgive this onslaught of warm, comforting soups IN THE SPRING. Doesn’t get any better next week either. But you know what? I don’t even care because to me soup is an always thing. I’m not really using springy vegetables in this dish either, but you know what? I ain’t even gern stress […]

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Shrimp Pho


Pho pho pho your boat, gently down your throat. Who else is sad I don’t write food jingles? And also, I know it’s technically pronounced “fuh,” but fuh fuh fuh your boat made me feel awkward on the insides. I would say, “what the fuh!” but my mom would remove me from her will. So […]

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Simple Corn Chowder


Okay so, what’s the difference between a chowder and a soup? No, no. I’m actually asking. My fingers are too lazy to ask Dr. Google, so I’m asking you. I’m calling this a chowder since it has corn in it. And cream and potatoes. Okay I just looked it up. I’m basically right! Chowders are […]

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Chipotle Chicken Chili + a Pioneer Woman Cookbook Giveaway!

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(This giveaway is now closed. The answer to the question though? Friends!) Guess what rhymes with Ree? CHEELEE. Okay not so much. But guess what yesterday was? The release of Ree’s new Holidaaaay coooookboooooook! (said like Oprah) I’ve already licked every page. Thrice. Obviously the book is completely fabulous, filled with crystal clear step-by-step instructions, […]

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