Archive | Mexican

Breakfast Taco Cups


Do you remember the movie Somewhere in Time? With Christopher Reeve, Christopher Plummer and Jane Seymour? I hadn’t seen it since, hmmm, I’m guessing the ’80s probably, and I watched it again while making these breakfast taco cups last weekend, and I can’t stop thinking about it. The movie, not the taco cups. Oh I’m […]

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Loaded Turkey Taco Salads


Noooow this is the story all about how this meal got flipped turned upside down. And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there I’ll tell you how this taco became a salad with dope flair. In the west of the pantry shy of arms and laigs Sat a sweet potato livin’ out […]

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Sriracha Chicken Pozole

sriracha pozole

I have a few questions for you today. This is some serious stuff too. So sit down. You’re actually probably already sitting down, I realize, unless you’re in line at the DMV reading this on your phone, which in that case, ew. But if you’re in line at the post office with a bunch of […]

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Jalapeno Popper Chicken Chili

popper chicken chili

So the other night I went to a little karaoke shindig for a good friend’s birthday. And as I’m sure you can imagine, it was like an acid trip for me. Constantly on stage with the mic firmly planted in my competitive grip, and my ’90s dramatic ballad ready to spill out of my body […]

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Mexican Turkey Meatloaf


Happy Halloween! And welcome back to this week’s theme, Why Didn’t I Think of That, the story of a young woman’s journey through the pages of success born from the hands and minds of her foodie peers that she’s not jealous of at all – their cookbooks. In my head I sound like Ira Glass. […]

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