This weekend we had some of our most nearest and dearest of the pearest friends over for dinner. It had been a while since we’d seen them, so we had a lot to catch up on, celebrate, squeeze in and joke about. We always walk away from this couple with wind in our sails and […]
Archive | Chicken
Grilled Hawaiian Chicken with Coconut-Cilantro Rice
Alright, people. If it’s going to be this hot, we have to do something about it. We have to buck up. We have to hold our head high. We have to take charge. We have to stick it to the weatherman! And by this I mean, fill up your kiddie pool, put on your lei […]
Spicy Chicken and Spinach Enchiladas
I know this might sound completely insane, due to these incredulous temperatures we’re experiencing, but for some reason warm, cheesy, baked, gooey chicken and spinach enchiladas called to me today, begging on hands and knees to be eaten for dinner tonight. Oh, but see, it’s okay! You don’t have to admit me into a psych […]
Chicken Pasta with a Citrus Cilantro Sauce
I keep thinking it’s Wednesday. On Tuesday I thought it was Sunday and on Thursday I thought it was Tuesday. Yesterday I thought it was Tuesday, too. Wait, yesterday was Thursday. But I still thought it was Tuesday. Thus making today feel like Wednesday. And making you feel like I need therapy, rest and/or wine. […]
Pulled-Chicken BBQ Sandwiches
….And they’re gone. My parents just packed the car, hugged us one last time and drove away. Even at 34 years of age, I always get a little misty-eyed when they leave. I know that will never change. Parents are great. They’re great for buying you dinner. They’re great for buying you new sheet sets […]
Coconut Chicken with Sauted Bok Choy
My parents are coming to visit us at the end of this week, and I know what you’re thinking. HIDE THE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA! To that I say, “don’t be silly!” I hid it last week. What this does mean for me is that the “Great Weidner Household Deep Clean” began today. And I’m not talking […]
Grilled Chicken with Herbed Roasted Squash and Lentils
Something about today’s rumbling thunderstorms, a fresh, extra-blond summer ‘do, new brakes on the element and an overnight visit from my brother-in-law really had me craving grilled chicken with patty pan squash and lentils. IT DID. Okay it didn’t. You caught me. The meal was planned. BUT, something about today’s rumbling thunderstorms, a fresh, extra-blond […]
Chicken Koftas
I’m a little nervous. You see, when we planted our vegetable garden we used our own compost along with fertilizer and manure for the bed. A nano second later we noticed sprouts appearing all OVER the bed. These weren’t seeds we planted you guys. These were volunteers. Intruders. Burglars. So we compared the sprouts to […]
Tequila-Glazed Chicken Thighs
Summer = new grill burners. Summer = admiring your freshly mowed lawn. Summer = spotting the first group of fireflies in your back yard and remembering childhood. Summer = squealing over the first green tomatoes in the garden. (well, I squealed. Aaron not so much.) Summer = husband’s homemade pineapple and tequila cocktails. Summer = […]
Crazy Chicken with Skillet Potatoes and Swiss Chard
When we were in Florida on vacation, (I swear this is the last time) not only did I pick up a most exotic espresso steak rub at a local spice shop, but I also scored an awesomely titled spice blend, “Crazy Chicken.” “Crazy Chicken” – seriously, who wouldn’t buy that? I smelled it and you […]