Archive | Bread

Skillet Apple Cheddar Pie

Skillet Apple Cheddar Pie / Bev Cooks

Like, pizza pie though. Yeah that got your attention. Not only is it apples + cheddar on a quick small-batch pizza crust, guess what the “sauce” is. It’s a non sauce sauce. Here, I’ll show you. Honey! It’s honey. Just a little drizzle of honey for the base, and that’s all she wrote. She being […]

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Chocolate Chip Ricotta Loaf

Chocolate Chip Ricotta Loaf / Bev Cooks

I baked! With a cheese! Which is super popular apparently. And holy loafers I’m a changed woman. Because you know I’m not a baker. I don’t bake. I have one bread that I make like a maniac, but outside of that I’m a baby mouse lost in a chimney. (<–it’s a thing.) But there was […]

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No-Knead Cheesy Rustic Bread

No-Knead Cheesy Rustic Bread / Bev Cooks

You did see the word cheesy, right? (This post is in partnership with Harvesters! But we’ll get to that.) You know my obsession with Bittman’s no-knead bread. I make it 87 times a day and blab about it 157 times a day. It’s an unstable mental condition and I won’t do a single thing about […]

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Mini Chocolate Mascarpone Loaf


Looooookie who baked! (hint: me) I am proud to say this is 100% my own baking creation. You know what a feat this is for me, n’est ce pas? MAJ. It’s nothing genius, but there’s a secret ingredient in this loaf that just gives it that OOMPH. Basically don’t look at the title of this […]

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French Toast Nuggets


Balemtime’s Bay! Yeah, I’m that obnoxious d-bucket who says Balemtime instead of Valentine. I know. I’m actually getting mad just typing it out. What’s even worse is if you heard me say it. It’s not a regular voice. Oh gosh no. It’s a high-pitched squeak that sounds somewhere between a dolphin and a drunk muppet. […]

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Chicken Taco Twist


Yep. Pretty obnoxious, isn’t it? And I don’t even have an excuse. So embarrassing! One minute I was craving tacos (shhhhocker) and the next I was stuffing two French breads with this spicy chicken taco mixture with cheese and beans and chipotle peppers. And then I started twisting it up all like some harebrained villain […]

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Buffalo Chicken Pull-Apart Bread


Oh dear. Oh oh oh dear. We’re talking, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up-stuff here, folks. Actually, the first fall took place on September 19th, 2012 when Kelly posted her Pepperoni Pizza Pull-Apart Bread. I ’bout had 13.5 conniptions right then and there. Ugh, and it’s so unfair. She made what’s basically a wet […]

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