Tag Archives | vegetarian

First Tablespoon Article!


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Well, *I* have, at least. Remember how I told you about becoming a part of the Tablespoon.com team? Well, I’m still squealing every 5 minutes and running around like a butternut squash with its head cut off. (see what I did there?) Without further ado, I present […]

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Roasted Butternut Squash and Kale Pizza


A couple of evenings ago my phone danced around on the kitchen table, alerting me of a new text. “I’ve some got butternut squash from my parent’s garden for ya. Can I drop by real quick?” Sa-weeeeet. We hadn’t grown any butternut squash in our garden this year (or ever), so when Carly brought the […]

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Pasta with Stewed Golden Tomatoes


Gosh, I really need to shave my legs. Oh, Hi! I didn’t see you there! Wow. Well, while I have you, I have some awesomely incredible greatness to share with you. And you might be all, “Yawn, Bev. Pasta, really?” And to that I say, RA-EALLY. This pasta has spice. This pasta has sweetness. This […]

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Soy Chorizo and Two-Bean Chili


You’re probably reading the title of this post, rubbing your eyes, re-reading it and thinking, “The girl’s gawn coo-coo. Who eats chili IN AUGUST?” Well hold on now! I need to explain something. For the most part of yesterday, it felt like fall. Delicious, crisp, I-can-go-outside-and-not-die-from-the-heat fall. The temperatures stayed right around 66, steady rain […]

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Garden Tomato Pizza


I know I just posted about pizza not too long ago, but  who can really help it? It’s summer, and that obviously means that your face needs the pizza. Especially when every few seconds a nurse brings in a basket of baby tomatoes newly birthed from the garden. * we don’t have a nurse in […]

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