Tag Archives | sweet potato

California Grain Bowl

California Grain Bowl / Bev Cooks

OKAY, I’m calling it California because it reminds me of California. When I was there. And I ate food there. …The avocados. Truthfully, I can’t stop thinking about the food in California! We had dinner at (fine, a chain. but I didn’t know it at the time) True Food Kitchen, and it was soul-punchingly delicious. […]

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French Lentils with Roasted Root Vegetables


Meatless!  . . . Tuesday. I’ll admit, I’m not that that creative with vegetarian cooking. Back in the day when I was jazzed about expanding my vegetarian horizons, I tried making tofu a lot. I deep fried little strips. I pan fried little squares. I slipped silken blobs into soups. I even tried baking it! […]

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Homemade Baby Food. Four Recipes, Yo.


Okay, you guys, baby food is ugly. This has been your warning. But it’s soooo easy to make and I just couldn’t get through this phase without sharing a few of my go-to purees for the gremlins. And no, they’re not going to be gremlins for Halloween. Which actually breaks my heart because I seriously […]

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Cheesy Sweet Potato Stacks


I’m actually kind of speechless. Except for the fact that I’m not. Ohhhhh, you guys I’m this close to losing the last of my one and a half marbles over these cheesy stacks of splendor and I want to use all caps so bad but I’m trying to be better about it but we all […]

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Roasted Moroccan Chicken Salad


I don’t guess I need to go into detail about how loudly I screamed last night when you know who made it into the the Idol finale, do I? What about how ridiculously awesome I looked with imaginary pom poms cheering, “TWO FOUR SIX EIGHT WHO DO WE WANNA RUN AWAY WITH TO A REMOTE […]

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Vegetarian Mexican Salad Boats


Row, row, row your boat, gently down the. . .plate. So, I can’t decide if it’s really really sad or really really awesome that the only Oscar nominated movie I’d seen was Bridesmaids. And on top of that, I can’t decide if it’s really really embarrassing or really really sweet that I got 14 lumps […]

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