Tag Archives | sandwiches

Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwiches

Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

And they’re lightly fried, let us rejoice. You know, I have to admit. I really do like a fried chicken sandwich. I don’t care who you are or what you do, chicken sandwiches have always been and will always be that food that makes everybody’s head turn a half notch and stomach growl a full […]

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Grilled Mackerel Sandwiches

Grilled Mackerel Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

THIIIIIIIS is going to change the path of your mouth’s summer. Because it’s fish! Mackerel. Grilled mackerel. With a chunky, zingy yogurt sauce on top and a crisp salad on bottom. You in? LIKE, DO I EVEN HAVE TO ASK. But first, a little bit about this recipe. Remember that show on Netflix I was […]

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Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches

Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Wanna know what I dig most about end-of-summer grubbing? Helloooo, O U T S I D E O N C E A G A I N. The humidity has mostly vanished, the temperatures are crisping up, and picnics don’t sound so terrible and dreadful and disgusting and stabby and horrible and awful anymore. Yay! I […]

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Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

RIDICULOUS. What’s your favorite pulled meat? Or do the words “pulled meat” give you a Herculean case of the heebie jeebies? Mine? PORK. All the way. Pulled pork for prez. Pulled pork for life. Pulled pork forever. But get this! The other day we found this PICNIC pork roast at the farmer’s market. A picnic […]

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Simple Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches

Simple Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

I assume because I added pineapple it makes these Hawaiian. (?) But look at that bacon! and MELTED SWISS. I think technically, if a sandwich has pineapple, cheese, and something teriyaki-y in it, it’s Hawaiian. And your entire upper torso. But don’t try to double check that last part because I heard the Internet is […]

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Lobster Rolls

Lobster Rolls / Bev Cooks

Today I’m 40. FORTY. I have no idea what this is supposed to look or feel like, but I just bought myself a birthday tongue scraper and jogging visor, so I feel this is pretty much on target. (You’re like, “Waaaay too early in the morning for the words tongue scraper, lady.”) Remember when people […]

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Slow Cooker Cuban Sliders

Screen shot 2015-02-25 at 1.51.32 PM

Weeeeeell hello there. I see your dinner and raise you CUBAN SLIDERS. Let me just start by saying two things. Three things. A few things: * There will never be enough articulation in any universe to describe my immortal devotion to these sliders. * Obviously I didn’t invent this recipe, but I did tweak a […]

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Smoked Salmon and Parsley Pesto Sandwiches


It’s spring! It’s not spring. I’ll tell you what, though. It’s felt like spring for about four straight days. How is it possible that KC has had 60-degree weather in the middle of January? It’s either just a beautifully lucky fluke in the meteorological undulation, orrrr we’re all going to die. So while we try […]

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