Tag Archives | kale

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! It’s soup time. Someone asked me in Instagram the other day when you all were getting a new soup. Well guess what, Chachi. It’s criminally simple. But as always, packs a punch that will have all the oooohs and aaaaahs seeping out everywhere. (that sounded weird, sorry.) We do take a shortcut with frozen […]

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Apple, Kale and Turkey Panzanella Salad

Apple, Kale and Turkey Panzanella Salad / Bev Cooks

I’m not sure who came up with BREAD salad but I’d like to shake their hand and cry into their shoulder for an entire afternoon. Because this one is out of control. We have thinly sliced honeycrisp apples, perfectly toasted seasoned baguette, chopped kale, plenty of diced parmesan cheese and chopped deli turkey because hi, […]

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Creamy Sausage Soup with Kale and Farfalle

Creamy Sausage Soup with Kale and Farfalle / Bev Cooks

Let’s have soup! Also the kids are home for snow day #2 so we’re coping. This is coping. Slurp coping. I turned the Italian sausage into meatballs because who doesn’t love a meatball? It BEGS to be a meatball. And it’s creamy because January. But also has kale in it because life. Let us peepeth? […]

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Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup with Kale

Creamy Beef Ravioli with Kale / Bev Cooks

Soup! The ultimate throw-together slurpy sitch. This one here is going to do you so, so right. Savory beef ravioli meets silky kale meets a luxurious creamy fire-roasted tomato base. Hulz yuz. (<–not cool?) But listen, this isn’t just a bag-ripping, can-opening operation. We’re dicing some onion and garlic so simmer down. Also, let us […]

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Chicken, Kale and Pinto Bean Soup

Chicken, Kale and Pinto Bean Soup / Bev Cooks

Things are getting a bit brothy over here, you guys. This soup, OH this soup. It’s classic, ya know. A bit of protein, a bit of wilted curly greens, a few beans for guts, and loads of lemon to wake it up. Just how we like it. It’s mega simple, if you’re looking for something […]

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