Tag Archives | Italian sausage

Rigatoni with Arugula, Italian Sausage and Lemon

Rigatoni with Arugula, Italian Sausage and Lemon / Bev Cooks

Let’s discuss this embarrassingly simple dinner. Also! We’re officially starting the summer, which means I’m scaling back a bit. (I hate when bloggers do this, yet here I go.) I’m only going to include the finished photos in the blog posts. The how-to is always in the videos, and I’ll always include that link here, […]

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Creamy Sausage Soup with Kale and Farfalle

Creamy Sausage Soup with Kale and Farfalle / Bev Cooks

Let’s have soup! Also the kids are home for snow day #2 so we’re coping. This is coping. Slurp coping. I turned the Italian sausage into meatballs because who doesn’t love a meatball? It BEGS to be a meatball. And it’s creamy because January. But also has kale in it because life. Let us peepeth? […]

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Creamy Sausage, Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup

Creamy Sausage, Mushroom and Wild Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

Another soup! You’re not upset, are you? This time, we’re going a little more creamy. With Italian sausage. And two mushrooms. And wild rice! It’s a dream, in other words. Let us peepeth. Okay, so the wild rice we’ll violently throw in a rice cooker. This way you can start it early (I feel like […]

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Spaghetti with Sausage, Spinach and Panko

Spaghetti with Sausage, Spinach and Panko / Bev Cooks

Your new favorite way to inhale the spaghetti! Don’t x out. You’re probably like, “Spaghetti? Okay, we eat this once a week and I’ve got it down. How is this different? And you look radiant by the way.” Just kidding about that last part. Let me TELL you what makes this version better. Because it […]

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