Tag Archives | garden

Homemade Wild Onion Oil

Homemade Wild Onion Oil / Bev Cooks

Chances are, you probably have wild onion in your yard. Like, onion grass. Wild onion. Green onion. Know what I mean, Vern? And if you don’t, you’re still a good person. You can get some wild onion (or even chives!) at the farmer’s market and rock on with your bad self. A) I haven’t said […]

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Hot Pepper Jelly


Soooooo hot! Kind of. Before we start talking about garden pepper jelly, can I just tell you real quick that I just put a dead fly in my mouth? On accident, you weirdo! In my sleepy haze, I refilled the empty water glass on my nightstand, and just started gulping away in the dark. It’s […]

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Homemade Lemon Balm Tea


I have a lot of lemon balm in my garden. Like, a lot. No really, a LOT LOT. So much so, that I included a little video at the end of this post of me attempting to harvest lemons in the lemon balm patch. Because that’s how it totally works, right? Oh. Have you ever […]

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Fried Zucchini Chips


It all started one unassuming summer afternoon. (Oh great, is she seriously going to tell us one of her blah blah blah omg and then this craaaazy thing happened stories that make me want to arrange teeny grenades inside my eardrums?) THAT’S RIGHT CHACHI, SO SIT. Sorry to scream at you. It was Sunday afternoon. […]

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