Tag Archives | corn,

Salsa Verde Chicken Soup


I know it’s hip to talk about the temperatures right now, but I just can’t do it. I just can’t. Especially because it’s going to be 96 freaking degrees this weekend and I want to punch it in the groin. But I’m not going to talk about it. I’m also not going to mention that […]

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Chicken, Black Bean and Sweet Potato Tacos


Anytime I say the words, “Taco time!,” I always think, “Make it Suntory time.” Name that movie? If you can honestly guess that movie we will be serious best friends forever. So this isn’t really anything new or groundbreaking. But I’m still a pretty good person. See, we’re full on in the “nom-nom-nom-whatever-is-in-the-fridge-before-we-leave-for-Boston” mindset. Oh […]

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Thai Coconut Corn and Mushroom Soup


Let’s go ahead and call me Milestone Millie for this one. “But it’s just soup, Bev. Let the dream die.” Ohhhh but I can’t. And I won’t. (I’m gazing off into the future with hope, stage left.) A) I actually craved actual food from the actual ground. B) Aaron had nothing to do with this. […]

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Summer Creole Shrimp Rolls


Hey guess what! I made shrimp last night for the first time in four months. That’s right, man. Looked through a magazine, saw a picture of shrimp and thought, “Whoa, I didn’t barf on the spot. IT’S TIIIIME.” One thing I always craved before getting pregz, barely craved at all during the beginning, and definitely […]

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Grilled Veggie Naan Pizzas


I bet naan of you saw this coming, did ya? OHHHH, so sorry. So bad. So bad it’s good. So good it’s bad. So bad it’s bad. I’m confused. It’s been 25 seconds since I’ve posted a pizza, so obviously I’m behind schedule. And this one is veggotron loaded, so there’s no excuse in not […]

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Grilled Pineapple and Corn Salsa


I don’t know about you, but my fancy is like, way tickled with all these appetizers this week. And we’re not done yet, my sweet pookie bears! (I’m sorry. I’m going through some things. Just . . . let me.) I’m posting something summery and grilly and dipperydoo today to help my heart come to […]

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