Tag Archives | chicken

Tandoori Chicken with Israeli Couscous

Tandoori Chicken Thighs with Israeli Couscous / Bev Cooks

GIRL. Okay. I don’t beg very often. You know this. And I’m hardly EVER overly dramatic about ANYTHING EVER IN THE WORLD EVER. You also know this. But. I’m going to force you to make this Tandoori chicken. It is beyond easy, so there are zero excuses, and out-of-this-world amazing. Like, stupid good. And I […]

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Chicken Salsa Soup

Chicken Salsa Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! On the second day of spring. IT IS STILL CHILLY, GUYS. I’m not yelling at you. Sometimes I speak like Owen Meany. Remember that book? A Prayer for Owen Meany? He’s this tiny dude that screams constantly in all caps? That’s me. So yeah, soup! CHICKEN SALSA SOUP. And I feel like you’re here […]

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Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi

Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi / Bev Cooks

And it’s one pot! One pan, I mean. A skillet. Whatever you have. Never mind. Okay this is like, the unofficial slash official gateway to fall for your mouth. Just the words ROSEMARY CHICKEN feel like they should under a giant leaf pile. In a sweater. Or a navy blazer. (ordered one from J.Crew! I’ll […]

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Spring Chicken and Rice Soup

Spring Chicken and Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

The soup is spring, not the chicken! Well, it might be a spring chicken. I don’t know. But the season is spring, so the soup is spring. But not the rice. The rice is normal. All-year rice. Never mind. Let’s have some soup! Guess who came up with the idea for this springy soup? My […]

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Stuffed Baked Chicken

Stuffed Baked Chicken / Bev Cooks

Well hello there. Lover. Actually, I want to see if you can guess what’s stuffed inside those thar chicken breasts raht up thar. Cheese, duh. Spinach, right on. ARE YOU MOUTHING SAUERKRAUT IN DENIAL? I thought so. Come here, hold my hand. This is something my mom used to make when I was growing up, […]

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Three-Cup Chicken

Three-Cup Thai Chicken / Bev Cooks

You know those meals that leave you stunned and speechless and psychotically gleeful? THIS. This. This! THIS! t h i s. You’re hesitant, I can tell. But I will change you. First of all, there’s this show. This Netflix docu-style food show that Aaron and I recently discovered and are just loony over. It’s called […]

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Rustic Chicken Puttanesca Spaghetti

Rustic Chicken Puttanesca Spaghetti / Bev Cooks

Yes MORE PASTA. But I don’t think you’ll be mad about it. Because it’s puttanesca. Which is a painfully unfortunate name. But my version is stripped way down! Which is an even more poor choice of words. Let me start over. There are toooooons of putt putt (<–no) recipes out there, but I’d like for […]

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