Tag Archives | bread

No-Knead Cinnamon Raisin Bread

No-Knead Cinnamon Raisin Bread / Bev Cooks

You can’t tell me you haven’t been thinking about this classic your whole entire life. This is what happens. It’s the beloved no-knead bread, but breakfast style! We put our thing down, flip it and reverse it with cinnamon, raisins and brown sugar. Everyone’s happy. Feel like a homemade rustic breakfast? I do, too. Let […]

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Buffalo Chicken Twist

Buffalo Chicken Twist / Bev Cooks

It’s not too early in the year for buffalo, is it? (THIS IS WHERE YOU SAY “NEVER.”) It’s a buffalo chicken twist, you guys. And it is a bloomin’ game-day show stopper. And EASY. And you get to shred a rotisserie chicken so there’s therapy involved. And buffalo sauce. Praises. So awwwwl yew gonna do […]

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No-Knead Cheesy Rustic Bread

No-Knead Cheesy Rustic Bread / Bev Cooks

You did see the word cheesy, right? (This post is in partnership with Harvesters! But we’ll get to that.) You know my obsession with Bittman’s no-knead bread. I make it 87 times a day and blab about it 157 times a day. It’s an unstable mental condition and I won’t do a single thing about […]

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Shrimp Po’ Boy Panzanella

Shrimp Po' Boy Panzanella / Bev Cooks

Also known as, salad night just got awesome. Do you salad night? I say it like it’s a verb. But it is. Salad night. It’s an action! We salad night once or twice a week, normally on Monday nights. I’ve been trying to jazz it up lately (don’t tell anyone I just said jazz it […]

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Green Spring Breakfast

Green Spring Breakfast / Bev Cooks

SPRING IS NEXT WEEK. (sorry to scream.) Do you remember in that one Gilmore Girls episode when Richard’s had a heart issue and he’s in the hospital, and Emily’s running around all distracted about FISH and the HOUSE and her JUMPSUIT and what not? And Lorelai’s all, “Mom, simmer it.” And Emily’s all, “WHAT, FISH […]

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The Little Creep We Call “Snack Attack”


It happens every afternoon about this time. I start thinking about dinner preparations, and they appear. Out of nowhere. Like little whispers of sin, seducing my brain cells. Hints of snack attacks. The dreaded snack attack. Then they grow. Ohhh and grow. And slowly start to eat me alive. Before long I’m wiping back the […]

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