Tag Archives | babies

The Will Show: A Haircut

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I  was totally going to post a recipe today. I was. But then . . . spices separated, lentils turned to mush, there was a bitterness I just couldn’t place. Sooo, let me put my thing down, flip it and reverse it, and I’ll bring the recipe to you another day. In the meantime, I’ll […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Gaaareetings from the Arkansas road! You guys, we’re on a NINE day road trip. Nine days. With the babies. And our dog. I like to romanticize that we’re this cool traveling family band/gypsies. But let’s face it. By day two we’re going to look like straight up carnies. Why does this excite me even more? […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Friiiiiidee.dee.dee.dee.dee. That’s not an actual song, I’m just an extreme weirdo-tron. Okay so I’m just going to jump right in. Remember that video that was filmed at my house back in August? It’s live! I was hired to be a baker (hahaha) for Foodsaver. But let me warn you of a few things. (aka: my […]

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Friday Flotsam

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So I’m a couple of flotsam days late. Will you flotsam forgive me? Isn’t it so cool that these tree and nature photos are the very first ones you’ve seen yet this fall? Or probably ever!? I don’t know how I do it. I will say, it’s absolutely insane in KC right now. The colors, […]

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Friday Flotsam

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I think I’m starting a new series! I’ve been playing around with these Friday posts for about three weeks now, and mama digs. Ohhh good, within five seconds I made the douchiest decision and spoke in third person. I’m not rightly sure it’s possible to recover from this, but I’ll give her a go. So […]

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Willow and Fig Moccasins Giveaway!

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People have babies for many different reasons. Some to fulfill their naturally embedded nurturing instincts. Some to have help around the house, farm or reality show. Some people have babies because it’s the next logical step. Me? I did it for the moccasins. Right? I feel like it’s only been in the last few years […]

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Itching, Some Feet and a Black Tongue

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FRIDAAAYYEEEEEEE. I don’t have much for ya right now, but I wanted to say what up (what up!), and to let you know about a little article I wrote for What To Expect. It’s about the transition from infant to baby. From ankle biter to circus performer. From sweet innocence to a bowl of the […]

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How ‘Bout Some Babies?

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I figured it was about time for a little trip to uterus boot camp. That Winnie right there? That’s mine from childhood! 1943. Can we just start with the hand holding? It’s getting out of control. It’s all they do. I keep telling myself, “just look at them. it’s not weird, is it? they love […]

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Because I Can’t Instagram Everything

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I’m kind of behind on cooking, so we’re looking at babies today. Zat kewel weeyeth yew? Don’t tell anyone I just said “behind on cooking.” 1) So this is their new real estate business card photo. What do you think? She was all, “Ya know, I really like my elbow on his shoulder. It says […]

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