Breakfast Cheddar and Apple Strata

Breakfast Cheddar and Apple Strata / Bev Cooks

STRATAAAAAA. (said like, STELLAAAAA. you know, from Seinfeld? never mind.) But seriously, you guys. STRATA. With apples! And cheddar! And Canadian Bacon! (not gonna say, “oh my” against the rage of my inner soul fairies.) Remember a long time ago a week ago when we went apple picking and Will pooped his pants and I […]

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Friday Flotsam

backyard fence

F          ursday. I mean!… F           onday. I mean!….F      aturday. I mean!…..FRIDAY. You guys I just took a sip of coffee and then right after a sip of beet juice and MY TONGUE IS LIVID WITH ME. Why would I do that? One can have their coffee and have their beet juice, but not side by […]

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Skillet Chicken and Potato Pie

Skillet Chicken and Potato Pie / Bev Cooks

It’s like a Shepherd’s Pie and a Cottage Pie’s third cousin’s fancy LOVE CHILD. Because that makes complete sense. Let me start by saying, don’t x out! This is EASY. It’s not super quick, but it’s E A S Y. Do I still have you? Okay good. I basically told Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Cottage […]

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Friday Flotsam

coffee in the mountains

FahAAAAAAAAAHreedee. So, Ally. I’m still liking it! But – it’s not SLAYING me like I need it to. Maybe it’s because I’m still early in (like 9 episodes), and character development is still underway. But, I NEED MOREEEEAAAAAAA. First of all, who the hay is this Vonda Shepard lady and why is she all over […]

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Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches

Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Wanna know what I dig most about end-of-summer grubbing? Helloooo, O U T S I D E O N C E A G A I N. The humidity has mostly vanished, the temperatures are crisping up, and picnics don’t sound so terrible and dreadful and disgusting and stabby and horrible and awful anymore. Yay! I […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Bangin’, Swingin’, Moodin’, Flappin’, Jazzin’ Airwaves of Yesteryear

Monthly Mixtape: Music from the 1920s-1940s.

It’s HERE. It’shereit’shereit’shere! (that was hard to type.) THEEE mixtape that I’ve been obnoxiously eager to make you for sosososo long. Just don’t ask me what took so long. Actually, I totally know what took so long. It’s the season. The FEEL. All summer I wanted to give you happy mixes with carefree vibes, blah […]

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Friday Flotsam

flowers at the market

FEE FAA FOO f r i d a y. I started Ally McBeal! AND YOU GUYS I DIDN’T USE ALL CAPS ON ANY OF THAT. oh. It’s cute so far! I can’t decide if I love or hate Ally though. I’m only three episodes in, so I know she’ll grow on me. What I DO […]

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