Avocado Cucumber Salsa

Avocado Cucumber Salsa / Bev Cooks

Another side dish! In dip form. Salsa form. You guys really like dips. Maybe this blog will be named Bev Dips from now on. (ew) It’s a (version of a) salsa that’s been swirling around the interflex for some time now. A little trendy, but I can’t help but see why. It’s the best of […]

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French-Inspired Pasta Salad

French-Inspired Pasta Salad / Bev Cooks

Another side dish! Are you digging this series so far because I am having such a gas with it. (not to be confused with having gas. never mind.) This one is total summer fancy face-ness with zero fuss. It has tangy, earthy flavor with seared thick ham all in it and you will scream. You […]

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Friday Flotsam

Friday thoughts / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrreh deh fleh seh! Today is 100% pop culture talk so pa-ho-ney erp. (<–that’s pony up, mom.) Let’s start with Harry Styles’ new album. You’re either reaching for the x button or your ears have perked up and grown sparkle wings. Yes, girl. Come hither. Now, let me just say, I was never a One […]

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Sour Cream and Roasted Onion Dip

Sour Cream and Roasted Onion Dip / Bev Cooks

It’s Dip Day! (<–not a thing) But it could be. This is one of those dreamy dips that sticks with you. It works best if you’d had a moment to chill it for a few minutes post blitzing so that it firms up, so try not to skip that part. The flavors are fire (apparently […]

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Classic Potato Salad

Classic Potato Salad / Bev Cooks

Pertaters! But let’s give it style. You all know my maniacal obsession with thrifting. Estate saling, garage saling, flea marketing, swap meets, junk hunts. I love it. I love it all. Well I found this little cookbook recently at an estate sale. And I’ll tell you, from the dense weight of it (small but heavy!), […]

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Friday Flotsam

friday flotsam / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r rrrr r r r r r r r rr ………..! Have you ever peed in your dream and in actuality you’re peeing in your bed? This isn’t about a blog post about me peeing in my bed. (yet) But guess what I DID do in my sleep. Just guess. I’ll […]

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Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam / Bev Cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrr i d a y e e e e e a a a a a h h h h! You wanna know what gives me micro anxiety? You’re like, “right out of the gate, huh?” Grocery store dividers. Or rather, grocery dividers. Those long thin black plastic bar thingies that you place between your groceries […]

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Mayo-Chicken and Blistered Scallion Tacos

Mayo-Chicken and Blistered Scallion Tacos / Bev Cooks

And by mayo I mean NNAISE. So buckle up. Have you ever blistered your scallions? I know we blister our soul often, but hardly ever our scallions. We need to blister our scallions more often. Let’s blister our scallions today. And you’re hung at mayo-chicken, I get it. We’re marinating our chicken in mayonnaise and […]

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