Shrimp Cobb Salad


Remember how I left 2 days open this week because I had no idea where the course of my life would take me? Remember how one of those days was Thursday? Well, the other one was yesterday. Brain-dead from yard work plus emerging from the last of a booty-kicking cold I suffered from all week, […]

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Mama Got a New Toy


We had an anniversary. We had a gift card. We had a squirrely 6-year old food processor. We had a light bulb go off in our head. We had the world at our fingertips. We had Amazon. We have a new sweet-as-a-newborn-baby food processor. We have true happiness. FINALLY.

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Indian-Spiced Sweet Potato Soup


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 6 Remember when I left 2 days open this week because I had no idea where the course of my life would take me? Well, one of those days was yesterday. I had a girlfriend over mid-afternoon to nibble on cheese and sip wine, and as the cozy rain showers […]

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Nori Rolls with Shiitakes and Soba Noodles


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 4 It’s Wednesday, and according to the official law of the land, mushrooms must be eaten today. If you don’t, officers in uniform will come to your house, arrest you with rusty handcuffs and escort you to the downtown courtroom, where you’ll be forced to wear a scarlet M. People […]

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