FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRududu. This is going be a short one! Usually through the week as absurdities pop into my head I jot them down on paper to share with you all. And this week, every time a little rando thought crawled into my cerebrum I said to myself, “I’ll remember that.” Spoiler alert. I didn’t. I’ll tell […]
Summer Tomato Pie
This recipe is what I LIVE FOR. Not to be hyperbolic about it. But also 100% to be hyperbolic about it. If you have yet to make or eat a summer tomato pie, well frankly I’ve led you astray. This is the proper and only way to summer. That is, if you love tomatoes and […]
Monthly Mixtape: Whirring Limbs and Fizzing Brims
Let’s take a moment to appreciate that the high in Kansas City today is SEVENTY NINE. If we’re not violently flinging doors and windows open this very instant we are done here. Also, time for a mixtape! An August mixtape. It’s my birthday month so clearly you’re obligated to listen. This one is gooooood. It’s […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r rsam! What. I can taste my eyedrops. TASTE THEM. I can taste my eyedrops. Let me back up. Remember last week when I thought I scratched my eyeball and had to rush to the eye doctor immediately after publishing this post? And come to find out it wasn’t an actual […]
Bev’s Imaginary Book Club: Demon Copperhead, The Girls in the Stilt House and Swan Song
Let’s go to the bookies! (that was supposed to sound like “let’s go to the movies” but didn’t quite work.) Ohhhhhh, you guys. These three. These three books. Man oh man. Geez, Louise. Good golly, Miss Molly. Hold me, Rhonda. Help me, Susan. Stop it, Sally. I can chill. All three vastly different, but equally […]
Puff Pastry Peach Cups
I could have done more with these, but I didn’t. And I feel like that’s exactly why you’re here. Look how simple! This is a four-ingredient situation. Puff pastry + peaches + sugar + powdered sugar + egg. Five ingredients. My bad. All we’re really doing is coating the diced peaches with a little bit […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r r r r. r r r r s ! r! r! r! I rubbed a banana on my face. I rubbed a banana on my FACE because Instagram told me I should. So I did! “If Instagram told you to jump off a cliff . . . “ I’m not exactly sure what […]
Across the Universe – Will Weidner
I have no way to introduce this post without sounding completely unhinged. So I’ll just go for it. We all know of Will’s blistering obsession with the Beatles. (I mean, my work is done, right?) The boy is swallowed. He constantly teeters on who he’s more like, musically and personally: Paul’s sweethearted nature and unrivaled […]
Hold Me – The Nightlight Sessions
Another summer, another sooooong! I know I don’t have to tell you about our summer tradition of visiting family in Little Rock, AR. Old news, yes. And I know I don’t have to tell you that each year we pick a song from the ’80s or ’90s, slow it down and vibe it out. You […]
Friday Flotsam
Freeeeeeeeeeeeeei-deeeeeeeeeeei! I’m about to ruffle so many feathers, but I just gotta say something. Let’s stop doing this to donuts. Donuts were fineeeee the way they were. I’d like to propose an indefinite pause on all the bedazzling to these poor things. A simple glazed donut is perfection. Maybe dusted with cinnamon in the fall. […]