Friday Flotsam

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrih! dih!

Have any of you ever tried Sun Bae?

Wait, that’s not it.

Sun Babe? Dune Babe? Dune Sun?

Hold on.

Sunbabe! You guys, I am fed these ads on IG probably quatrillionice times a day. And it’s working. I really want this dang bottle. Thing is, I’m not due for another hair appointment until late June (which I know is only a month away but that’s not the point), and I mainly need some lift in my bangs. I trim them constantly, so by now they’re almost all brown. And they look like a mouse got caught in a shed during a tornado. I’m telling you, a pop of blonde up there would change the entire vibe on my mane.

I want to try it! Should I try it? Have you tried it?

Let’s try it! You go first.

The other day I said “your father” to the kids on accident, and it totally felt like we were in a movie and in a castle and divorced. No one says father in real life. Say it out loud. It’s weird!

“Your father’s automobile is in the shop.” Totally divorced and on set.

“Your father’s spine is troubling him.” 100% split and annoyed with him.

“Your father said to be ready in the study by 5pm. And he has a new girlfriend.” Why does it sound like that?

Now, when you say “your dad,” you’re clearly divorced, but not in a movie. Like, the other day we were at this band and strings try-out session so the kids could try out all these instruments, and this woman was chatting with me about violins, and I said to her, “My granddad played the violin, and their dad’s granddad also played. My husband, haha! We’re still married. Never mind.” WHY.

Why did I say that. Why did I need to clarify? He was standing two feet away.


Do any of you have verbena in your gardens? I’m really wanting to add a lot of height to one of the side beds, and I get a tern of garden videos on IG, and one recent one I saw was talking about verbena being the perfect perennial. And I was sold immediately.

I feel like verbena next to gorgeous jewel-toned cone flowers would be outrageously pretty. Why can’t I just I-Dream-of-Jeannie this into immediate existence?

I need to see your perennial beds, in other words. Show me what you have going, and I’m going to be a copy cat, k?

Speaking of, I remember being o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d with the inside of Jeannie’s bottle. She defined boho before boho defined boho.

THOSE PILLOWS. I remember as a kid getting up really close to the TV screen to study that style. The layers of pillows, all the purples and corals and pinks. The magical femininity of it all. I could stay in that little bottle for the rest of time with a good Sancerre and a novel. (and chapstick and hand lotion and my phone charger and a bathroom. but other than that I’m good.)

Weekend plans?

My parents are visiting today! We’ll go eat lunch, maybe hit an estate sale, cheer Nat on at soccer tonight, go to a team pizza party in the park right after. Tomorrow we’ll play tennis and take my ‘rents to a favorite garden center to stock up on verbena and whatever else you show me. Oh! I have some fun news – Nat was chosen to play in an all-star 4th grade girl soccer game on Sunday, along with three of her teammates! (Mom, don’t read this part. Nat’s telling you in person. Just pretend you didn’t know.) So we’ll watch her play on Sunday and call it a wrap on soccer for a few months.

From this week::: Roasted Tomato Garlic Toast! It’s HEAVEN. You really need to try this. Here’s that video, too. Also, the playhouse! We (um, Aaron) built it four years ago and it’s still going strong. I think our new plan is to add a boho curtain to the front. Talk me out of it.

Sunbabe – should I?

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7 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Laura Lee May 17, 2024 at 8:46 am #
    I frequently refer to my husband as "your father" to the children. I wouldn't just say Daddy, that sounds weird, he's not my daddy... What else can you say? "Your Daddy"sounds babyish too. Regardless of nomikers, 23 years in & I still like him a lot and plan to keep him!
  2. Christi May 17, 2024 at 8:28 pm #
    Congrats to Nat!!!
  3. Paige May 18, 2024 at 10:07 am #
    I too was obsessed with Jeannie's bottle interior!! So much so that I would steal all of the cushions and pile them up in a nook and pretend I had my own bottle! Ok, now that makes so much sense why I need a cozy spot to myself as an adult...
    • Bev Weidner May 21, 2024 at 6:16 am #
      Exaaaactly. Things have clicked into place!
  4. Tracy May 19, 2024 at 3:09 pm #
    Jeannie's bottle! Yes!! What a fun memory!

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