Little Taste of Fall


My husband is watching Tron Legacy, which obviously means I’m left scratching my armpits. So, I thought I’d show you a picture of what’s going on in our front yard. This is our dogwood tree, in all its fall glory. It is SO gorgeous on our street right now. Various tones of golds, browns, reds, […]

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Food Blog Forum…In Pictures


Well, we did it! We Nashville’d our booties off. We food blog forum’d our faces off. And it ruled, BIG TIME. Here’s the weekend, in pictures. We were on the road Friday morning by 4am. We made it to Nashville in 8 hours. (It’s a 9.5 hour trip. Just sayin’.) We arrived to the Nash […]

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Food Blog Forum and Some Pasta

pasta with greens

This time tomorrow morning, a couple of bloggy girlfriend bloggy bloggers and I will be well on our way to a city where country stars are born every 5 minutes. A city that we thought would be chilly, allowing us to sport our new sweaters and scarfs we purchased for the trip, but instead decided […]

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First Tablespoon Article!


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Well, *I* have, at least. Remember how I told you about becoming a part of the team? Well, I’m still squealing every 5 minutes and running around like a butternut squash with its head cut off. (see what I did there?) Without further ado, I present […]

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Stuffed Peppers, Baby!


I’m drawn to red sauces. Well, red food in general. But I guess most red food is in sauce form. Right? I mean, other than red peppers and tomatoes, what else is red? OH, fruit. Apples, raspberries and strawberries. Those are red. And I can dig all of that, too. But if I want to […]

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Cookbook Review and Mushroom Soup


Something really cool happened. Yes, I washed my hair, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Do you want to guess? Do you like guessing games? See, I do, but it seems like anytime I crave a good guessing game, everyone around me groans, rolls their eyes and would rather discuss oral hygiene. On turtles. […]

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Home Again…Home Again…


We’re home! Man, you guys, Colorado knows how to party. Scenery gawking, trail-riding, wine sipping, stinky cheese tasting, nearly barfing from the smell of said stinky cheeses, hair net wearing, tea sampling, restaurant hopping, wine sipping, haunted hoteling, yogaing, farmer’s marketing, salsa tasting, wine sipping, early morning running, Pearle street lounging, wine sipping, yoga studio […]

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