Monthly Mixtape: Sunscreen and Sandals

Monthly Mixtape: Sunscreen and Sandals

Oooooo this is a good mix. Like, good. Really really good. Gooder. Goodest. Goodiest. We’re still rockin’ the summer vibes, of course. Boomy, airy, fun. Some old classics that make you go, “Yes! This sawwwwng.” And then, some other brand-new-to-me music that I JUST learned about within the month, that I hope you fall for […]

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Friday Flotsam

Madewell Summer Jean, iced coffee, and my favorite Le Papier Studio Cuff.

F    R    I    D    E   E   E   E   E   E eeE EE eEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeEEE. Kardashian Self Tanner REPORT: (don’t x out) I actually like it! This is the specific one I used. The instant one. Holy balls I was scared. But it looks nice! Bronzey. Sun kissed. It’s not too intense, because I used the applicator […]

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Friday Flotsam

Salad and pizza at Bella Napoli in Brookside (my fave Italian in ALL of KC)

F R A H D A Y . When you go through the bank drive-thru, do you take off your seat belt? You know, when you pull up to the giant Fallopian tube, and take out the follicle carrier (that you always nearly accidentally keep. and it NEVER HAS A PEN.), do you take off […]

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How to Host a Backyard Movie Night

How to Host a Backyard Movie Night / Bev Cooks

“LET’S GO TO THE MOVIEEES. LET’S GO SEE THE STAAAARS”. (<–name that movie) So. We’ve hosted two of these backyard movie shindigeroos so far, and I have just one thing to say: “FRED AND GINGER, SPINNING MADLY.” Just kidding. Although now of course I’m dying to watch Annie outside. These are so much fun! SO.MUCH.FUN. […]

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Mexican Sausage Pasta Bake

Mexican Sausage Pasta Bake / Bev Cooks

This old thing? Oh, it’s just your new all-time favorite meal of ever. Even IF it’s 57,923,426,1524547643,0023857723,,,34356 degrees outside. Times 80. It’s still going to rock your mouth off. There IS one crucial thing to know about this recipe, and that is: you can go two different ways with it. Which, I guess there are […]

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Friday Flotsam

Pons on Feet. Feet on hammock.

Frahdee Frahdee Frahdee.                                              Frahdee. I had this crazy dream like an hour ago that I have to tell you about. It’s quick and painless, I swear! I was returning some jeans to a store in the plaza, and I took the grems, and the store didn’t have a play area for them, so the store […]

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Patio Livin’. Plus a Discount!

Patio Livin' - Plus a Discount!

Patio part-aaaay! And by party I mean me sitting on my patio alone with a glass (bottle?) of rosé. Are you a patio person? (Not to be confused with pod person.) Like, do you host, hang outside, grill, read, play corn hole (<–I’ll never not say corn hole), have picnics, stick your feet in the […]

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