Friday Flotsam

Rocking Chairs on Cabin Deck

FaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRIDAY. Dudes. Oak mites. Also known as Satan’s ELVES. Have you heard of this obnoxiously itchy plague happening in the Midwest right now? Better yet, do you have bites all over your body and you have no idea what they’re from or how they got there, because they don’t exactly look like mosquito bites, or […]

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Steak and Black Bean Chili

Steak and Black Bean Chili / Bev Cooks

I see your traditional chili and I RAISE YOU THIS MUTHA. Chili powder? Zilch. Cumin? Nada. Can of beans soaked in chili whatever whatever? Naw. THIS. This is epic. Totally unexpected. Beyond exceptional. Exquisitely special. And the chili’s pretty good, too. BAHA HA HAH A hha h a a haha ha  a a   hahah  aaa. […]

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Cheesy Biscuit Pot Pies


Yes those are biscuits and yes that is melted cheese on top and yes that is a lake of drool on your keyboard. I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes I have those nights when I’m like, “Dude I just need to open up a can (not of whoop a$$)and rip open a frozen bag of whatever […]

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How to Host a Rosé Wine Tasting Party.

How to Host a Rosé Wine Tasting Party / Bev Cooks

You know I like rosé, right? I like rosé. The wine. I like it a lot. The rosé wines. So I hosted a blind tasting party! And by blind I mean, we were blindfolded. I didn’t jab my guest’s eyeballs out upon arrival. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not that kind of person. It was […]

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Slow Cooker Chicken and Bean Tostadas

Slow Cooker Chicken and Bean Tostadas / Bev Cooks

Tostada Tuesday! (shhhh.) Not only that, slow cooker tostadas. Slow cooker chicken and bean tostadas. Slow cooker chicken and pinto bean tostadas with fresh pico on top! Ugh. And the cheese? Chipotle cheddar. I give up now. This is one of those you-know-everything-will-work-out-in-life meals, because a) it’s a bunch of chicken and beans and corn […]

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Friday Flotsam

Kids on the run

FREEDEEDOO. FRIIDIIDII. FRODOTEAUX. FROTODEAUX. (name that movie. sort of.) I have the craziest story for you. This happened to me seriously a year ago, and I’m just now getting around to telling you. (you’re like, WHY START NOW.) I’m mainly telling you because I want to know how YOU would have handled this. Because I […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Cut It Out

Monthly Mixtape: Cut It Out

Attention, class! It’s time for a music theory lesson. STOP YAWNING. Today we’re going to learn a very important life lesson. It will answer a question that’s been burning a hole in your soul since childhood. The light bulb in your brain will not only go off, it will detonate and cause mass rhythmic destruction […]

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Friday Flotsam

Weird Pumpkins

Fridayyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Why doesn’t Chipotle have queso? It just dawned on my brain hole the other day – Chipotle doesn’t have queso. How are we living in a world where Chipotle does not have queso? I think that would be a BOSS move for them. A KILLER move. (But not a boss killer move. Just…making that […]

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