Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff

Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff / Bev Cooks

More like, stroganOMG. I rarely beg on this website. (don’t disagree with me. I will win.) But I’m here, in holey yoga pants on bended knee, sobbing so viciously, salmon could swim upstream in my tears, b e g g i n g you to add this to your menu. Oh! You probably have a […]

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Friday Flotsam

Black Grace in Leather - by Tamar Shalem!

Friday. It’s been a heavy week. Hearts are heavy. Minds are heavy. Emotional fumes are more potent than ever. Opinions of all kinds are being handed out like baby kittens in a parking lot. But I just want to take a quick moment to express something that I know you’ve all been reflecting on since […]

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Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes

Mini Chocolate Pudding Galettes / Bev Cooks

Dessert! We seriously, desperately need dessert. And not only is it a dessert, it’s more like a Thanksgiving/Holiday/Life HACK. Because you guys, it’s chocolate pudding in those galettes. As in, those clever little boxes of chocolate pudding. Open, mix, heat up, stir, done. I’m not being tacky! I’m being HACKY. (<–I’m making shirts.) Also, cream […]

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Friday Flotsam

Park Day

FRIDAY………………yadrif. You know that one quiz that was popular on the interflex a short while back about who you are as three fictional characters? First of all, I can’t stand those kinds of quizzes. Also, I’m secretly in love with those kinds of quizzes. Except! I couldn’t find the quiz. I mean, I found ONE […]

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Thai Curry Oats

Thai Curry Oats / Bev Cooks

*This post is definitely sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company , but all yammering and opinions are totally my own. We coo?* You’re like, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO WITH THOSE POOR OATS. I Thai Curried them. Are you mad at me? Or do you want to hug me? Thing is, it’s all because the […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Embers and Ashes

Monthly Mixtape: Embers and Ashes

Noveeeeeemmmmberrrrrrrr. HOW? How. I trust you’re all surviving your candy coma? How did last night go? Are you sleeping in? Spazzing out? Both? Neither? Leave you alone? The gremlins went as Mary Poppins and Bert, as it’s been my life for the last two years. They are OBSESSED with the movie. Certifiably loony for it. […]

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Friday Flotsam

Wet leaves on a fall stroll

Frooo hoooo hoo hoo ha ha ha HA AH AHAH AAAA HA HA HAAAAiday. Let’s tell ghost stories! Oh don’t give me that look. You know your late Aunt Freda’s been snoopin’ around the foot of your bed at 3am again and you’re itching to tell someone. With Halloween a few days away (<–said like […]

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