One month down, 11 to go! Not that I’m counting. How do you feel about February? It’s totally a weird month, right? It’s like, V COLD. But spring is on the radar. It’s the month of luuuuv, but you’re also starting to wrap your head around the reality of death taxes. Which is a buzz […]
Archive | Monthly Mixtape
Monthly Mixtape: Everything Old is New Again
Aaaaaaaand it’s 2018. How? HOW! h o w. I’m actually quite eager for the new year, unlike grumpy mcfuss pants. ^ I don’t MIND January. Kind of like it, truthfully. It’s that one month of the year where goals and motivation and fresh starts are bouncing around the cerebral walls like teenage butterflies on Taylor […]
Monthly Mixtape: Cookies and Milk and “You Serious, Clark?”
AAAAAAND just like that it’s Christmastime. (!!) And finally, THIS MIX! This mix this mix this mix. This mixtape might be my favorite one of all time. And I’m dying for you to listen to it. RIGHT NOW. Today, all day. Tonight. Tomorrow, all weekend, for the rest of this month. Through New Year’s Eve. […]
Monthly Mixtape: Don’t Bother Me I’m Drin- Cooking.
Would it give you panic attack if I opened this blog post with, “53 days until Christmas!” Maybe this would be less anxiety-inducing: “418 days until Christmas 2018!” Or: “783 days until Christmas 2019!” None of that is helpful? Oh. It’s Novemberrrrrr! Which, DID YOU KNOW actually translates to Bloody Mary season? I think it’s […]
Monthly Mixtape: Crispy Leaves and Chilly Knees
October! Favorite month of the year. Hands down. H A N D S D O W N. No question. Except I really love April, too. October and April. The end. Yesterday was heavy. Awfulness in Las Vegas, and the passing (but not passing, but passing, but not passing, and then finally passing) of Tom Petty. […]
Monthly Mixtape: Bangin’, Swingin’, Moodin’, Flappin’, Jazzin’ Airwaves of Yesteryear
It’s HERE. It’shereit’shereit’shere! (that was hard to type.) THEEE mixtape that I’ve been obnoxiously eager to make you for sosososo long. Just don’t ask me what took so long. Actually, I totally know what took so long. It’s the season. The FEEL. All summer I wanted to give you happy mixes with carefree vibes, blah […]
Monthly Mixtape: Powder Room and Power Chord
AUGUST. I mean, August! I mean, August. I mean, AUGUST. I’ve been wanting to make you this mixtape foreeeeeverrrrr. (Sandlot style) And I find it rather appropriate that I’m sharing it on the heels of a refreshing, inspiring, spirit (and spirits) lifting weekend with a solid group of besties. (minus two sorely-missed faces.) I also […]
Monthly Mixtape: Tan Lines and Canned Wine
O BEAUUUUUTIFUL FOR SPAAAACIOUS SKIES, FOR AMBER WAVES OF GRAAAAAI- oh. Guess what. GUESS. WHAT. Today marks two whole years of making you monthly mixtapes! TWO YEARS. Can you believe that? That means 24 playlists. Plus today’s mix which makes 25! (I’m good at math.) I’m going to keep this super short, because I know […]
Monthly Mixtape: Flip Flops and Popsicles
JUNE IS BUSTING OUT ALL OVERRRRR. And by that I mean it’s pouring rain. But I’ll take it! Because in about a month, we gon’ be dry and barren and humid and icky and nasty and sweaty and dead grassy and whiney and weedy and no. Remember in old movies how June was always THE […]
Monthly Mixtape: May the Mix Be With You in May
Happy May! I’m not really a Star Wars freak. It’s so weird that it’s May, right? And I know I say this every month, but how is it May?! MAY. 45 more days and half the y e a r is over. Sorry to give you that aneurysm of reality. What’s even weirder is that […]