Archive | Monthly Mixtape

Monthly Mixtape: Embers and Ashes

Monthly Mixtape: Embers and Ashes

Noveeeeeemmmmberrrrrrrr. HOW? How. I trust you’re all surviving your candy coma? How did last night go? Are you sleeping in? Spazzing out? Both? Neither? Leave you alone? The gremlins went as Mary Poppins and Bert, as it’s been my life for the last two years. They are OBSESSED with the movie. Certifiably loony for it. […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Cut It Out

Monthly Mixtape: Cut It Out

Attention, class! It’s time for a music theory lesson. STOP YAWNING. Today we’re going to learn a very important life lesson. It will answer a question that’s been burning a hole in your soul since childhood. The light bulb in your brain will not only go off, it will detonate and cause mass rhythmic destruction […]

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Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes.

Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes

Well would you look at that – it’s AUGUST. (!) How did we get here?! Besides the whole space time continuum thing. Okay, I’m changing it up a little this month! First of all, it’s my birthday month. Not only that, it’s a milestone birthday. I’m turning 40. (FORTY.) But isn’t 40 the new 20? […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sunscreen and Sandals

Monthly Mixtape: Sunscreen and Sandals

Oooooo this is a good mix. Like, good. Really really good. Gooder. Goodest. Goodiest. We’re still rockin’ the summer vibes, of course. Boomy, airy, fun. Some old classics that make you go, “Yes! This sawwwwng.” And then, some other brand-new-to-me music that I JUST learned about within the month, that I hope you fall for […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Couple Skate

Monthly Mixtape: The "Couple Skate" Mix

Hello, February! Did you know we have a leap day this month? Does that mean the extra day DELAYS the gray hairs, or speeds them up? I have yet to decide how I feel about this. That photo right there? ^^^ I’d like to think this is a pivotal moment of discovery in their lives, […]

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