Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

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f f f f f                                                    RID                                                              a y . I have good news! I’m not such a sissy anymore. It’s true, you […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FRIDAY! FRIDAY? FRIDAY: FRIDAY; #FRIDAY. <FRIDAY> FRIDAY. Greetings from Arkansasandia! Doesn’t quite have the same ring, does it? We’re doing a little summer family-visiting vacay, hence the non-stop bathing suit photos on Insta. Speaking of, have you noticed people are just calling it Insta these days? It started off as Instagram, obviously. Then morphed to […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF    r i d .. a      ….    y? !!! . OH MY GOSH it has rained for two months straight. Not that I’m complaining! But every single step in the yard is some serious squish town. And when you add bare, wet baby feet with muddy dawg paws with a neutral sofa and freshly […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FLOTSAMMMM. I mean FRIDAYYYY. Guess WHAT. I finally finished The Girl on the Train! That’s right, folks. Five hundred kazillion years after starting it, I’m done. And ommmmmgah. So fantastic. So brilliant. So Gone Girl. I have to say, and I’m not bragging (except that I’m completely bragging), I knew who it was all along. […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Froo Froo Frah Frah Free Free Fri Fri DAY. Both of my babies have enormous gaps between their front two teeth. Will’s is slightly normal looking, but you could fly Air Force Once through Nat’s gap. Is this normal? Should we see a therapist? I mean a dentist? A couple of nights ago I went […]

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Friday Flotsam

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f R     id      A        y. So listen to this horribleness. I went to make my coffee this morning and there were BARELY ANY BEANS LEFT. Maybe a scoop plus a little more? Barely two scoops. I put three scoops in the grinder each day. THREE, people. Not a lousy two-ish wanna be poser scoops. Now […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FAH. REEEEE. DERRRR. That would be FRIDAY in my head hole. So, I talk to my sister on the phone at least multiple times a day. It’s kind of our thing, to talk once in the morning about what we have planned for the day, any gossip to catch up on, and of course the […]

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Friday Flotsam

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fffffffffff R I D A Y. Please tell me you’ve already heard about the Full House revival? Best. Day. Ever. It’s even called Fuller House, haaa! I don’t know why that makes me giggle actually. Probably because I’m going to call it Fulllllerrreerrererrr House like a gigantic troll. What’s even better than the Full House […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FRRRRRRRRR(trilling the tongue)IDAY. Wasn’t I amazing on Dr. Oz yesterday? ohhhhhhhhhhwaaaaaaaait. I wasn’t on it. DOH! So yeah, what a let down. BUT, the producer wrote and apologetically explained about an air date switcheroo, and would keep me informed. I have this feeling he’s going to come back all, “rrrrrrrright, about your segment. it was […]

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