Archive | Family

How to Host a Backyard Movie Night

How to Host a Backyard Movie Night / Bev Cooks

“LET’S GO TO THE MOVIEEES. LET’S GO SEE THE STAAAARS”. (<–name that movie) So. We’ve hosted two of these backyard movie shindigeroos so far, and I have just one thing to say: “FRED AND GINGER, SPINNING MADLY.” Just kidding. Although now of course I’m dying to watch Annie outside. These are so much fun! SO.MUCH.FUN. […]

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Patio Livin’. Plus a Discount!

Patio Livin' - Plus a Discount!

Patio part-aaaay! And by party I mean me sitting on my patio alone with a glass (bottle?) of rosé. Are you a patio person? (Not to be confused with pod person.) Like, do you host, hang outside, grill, read, play corn hole (<–I’ll never not say corn hole), have picnics, stick your feet in the […]

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Don’t Make Me Call The Hogs.


I fully intend to post actual recipes again one day. Next week in fact! But today, since we ain’t gotz no food, we’re looking at vacay photos! (aka: lots of babies in pools.) So, last week we packed our bags and took a quick summer road trip to Arkansas to see the fams. But before […]

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So glad we had that talk. Portland. Oh my gosh, Portland. That city won my heart. Won my eyes, ears, mouth and nose, too. #toddlermom I’m going to try to plow through these photos because I want to avoid you gnawing through your own jugular. Wait, can you even do that? I can’t get over […]

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Mother’s Day Weekend Recap!

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

MOVUHHOOD…IS WHAT BRINGS US…TOGEVUH…TODAY. Actually it’s because I don’t have any food to show you. I swear I’ll keep this as boringless as possible! I just have all these photos from the weekend that don’t really fit Flotsam, and I’m pretty sure our families are a wee bit sick of me sending 57 photos per […]

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide!


Presents!! I almost don’t want to call this a Mother’s Day gift guide, because I very much remember the excruciating era of my life when I wasn’t a mom. And wasn’t able to be a mom. And I very much remember that lingering ache in my stomach. I promise I’m not going to get all […]

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