Tag Archives | soba noodles

Soba Noodle Bowls with Shrimp

Soba Noodle Bowls with Shrimp / Bev Cooks

It’s been a while since we’ve soba’d! (<–it’s a thing.) And this one is extra happenin’ because it’s like, a salad. Saladish. A salad bowl. It’s cold! But the shrimp is warm. So it’s complex, and we like complex. But listen, you don’t have to rinse the soba noodles like I did. Straight from the […]

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Quick Soba Noodle Salad

Quick Soba Noodle Salad / Bev Cooks

As in, QUICK quick. The quickest. Blink your eyes and boomsy. Done. Well I mean, it takes as long as it takes to jammy boil an egg. Which for me is like, a five minute egg. Plus the time it takes for the water to simmer. So ten? Ten-ish? Around nine? Something like eleven or […]

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Coconut Soba Noodle Bowls


I like to call this one the Edible Snuggie. Wait, Slanket? You know what, I know this is a tense subject for many, so to appease you all, let’s all it the Edible Snankuggletie. Because that rolls off the tongue sooo easily. But really, when you’re down and troubled, and you need some loving care? […]

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Soba Noodle Soup with Shrimp and Veggies


Need dinner on the table in a pinch? Need dinner on the table in a cinch? Need dinner on the table in a lrinch? Oh, you don’t know what a lrinch is? Oh, wow!  Well, it’s an….um….it’s this super……uuuh, they said it……well, it’s …. OH HEY LOOK OVER THERE! Weird, it’s gone now. I guess […]

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Nori Rolls with Shiitakes and Soba Noodles


The Great Vegetarian Challenge: Day 4 It’s Wednesday, and according to the official law of the land, mushrooms must be eaten today. If you don’t, officers in uniform will come to your house, arrest you with rusty handcuffs and escort you to the downtown courtroom, where you’ll be forced to wear a scarlet M. People […]

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Healing Soba Noodle Soup


We’ve suffered through day two of the raging flu at my house. While subtle moans of what sound to be human agony resonate from the sofa, I’m constantly trying to keep the house decontaminated by hosing down the walls with sanitizer and attaching a tube from my husband’s mouth that leads out the back door. […]

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Singin’ For My Supper


Tonight I blew the dust off of my old Shania Twain dvd video collection. It was a gift. I was young. No judging. The reason I got it out is that I have to re-learn “I Feel Like a Woman” for my dear friend Ashlee’s karaoke birthday party this Friday night. And I’m talking dance […]

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