Tag Archives | risotto

Mushroom Risotto

Mushroom Risotto / Bev Cooks

Ohhhhhh baby babe! We dig risotto. Do you dig risotto? Normally I do a tomato-based risotto with spinach and sausage (like this one!), but today we’re going with nothing but shallots and garlic and mushrooms and thyme and wine and it is doing the trick, man. And it’s vegetarian, if you’re in need of carbs […]

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Risotto with Tomatoes, Ham and Arugula

Risotto with Tomatoes, Ham and Arugula / Bev Cooks

This gets real. This gets very real. Next time you see thick cubed ham in a vacuum-packed thingy, get it. It’s right next to the Canadian bacon. Because we’re about to make the hardiest risotto ya ever did know. But also we’re sliding in velvety arugula so it’s basically vegan! Just kidding. Don’t come at […]

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Bruschetta Shrimp Risotto

Bruschetta Shrimp Risotto / Bev Cooks

OKAY, let’s talk about something real quick before you yell at me all off-with-her-head style. Also, look at that. ^^ I mean my gosh. Okay but first. AH KNOW that the word “bruschetta” actually refers to the garlicky grilled bread in which the chopped tomatoes rest upon. And there’s no actual bread in this risotto. […]

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Mushroom and Barley Risotto

Mushroom and Barley Risotto / Bev Cooks

With prosciutto crisps! Don’t punch me in the pancreas, vegetarians. Have you ever swapped in barley in place of arborio rice? Oh man you should. It’s crazy. Totally new take on risotto. I’m not new to barley risotto, I just hardly ever make it or think about it. Which isn’t rightly selling this, is it. […]

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Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon and Zucchini

Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon and Zucchini / Bev Cooks

And peas! Risotto with Shrimp, Bacon, Zucchini and Peas. The peas part. I’d like to think of this mess as a late summer kitchen sink risotto thingy. I MEAN, you can make it any time of year really. But right now it’s summer, so I’m calling it summer. Only because the shrimp isn’t in season […]

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