Tag Archives | leeks

Potato, Leek and Gruyere Pie

Potato, Leek and Gruyere Pie / Bev Cooks

Savory. Pie. Time. Remember when we polled this? Polled about this? Talked about this? Well here it is! Gruyere cheese. Thinly sliced potatoes (use a mandolin!) Aromatic leeks. Homemade pie crust. I use Alison Roman’s recipe every time and it’s perfect. Her recipe makes two crusts, so either half it or make two. (make two.) […]

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Salmon, Leek and Potato Chowder

Salmon, Leek and Potato Chowder / Bev Cooks

Okay, head up. Pencil down. Eyes right here. You ready for this? Oh, oh bay-buh. It’s a dreamy, creamy lemony spring soup with flaked salmon, tender red potatoes and sautéed aromatic leeks. Which I feel like is obvious, given that they’re in a soup. But still. You needed the imagery. This is an embarrassing cinch […]

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Mini Leek and Pepperoni Naan Pizzas

Mini Leek and Pepperoni Naan Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Leeks! We’re playing with leeks. Today we’re going to play with some leeks. Leeks. But on pizza so you can breathe now. Aaron bought these mini naans with zero plans (that makes me certifiably loony), and I was like, “What are you gonna do with these?” And he said, “Oh I dunno!” ….okay? They sat. […]

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Spring Vegetable Soup


Well, we wanted the heat. Mama N listened and we GOT THE HEAT. That didn’t slow us down though. After a gratifying day of gardening, gutter cleaning, gutter fixing, hedge pruning, rose bush training and even buying a new bed (aka “saving my marriage”) it’s turned into one heck of a pleasant spring evening. A […]

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Potato, Leek and Bacon Pizza


Even when you stay at home, there’s still a magic about a weekend approaching. The energy in the air is different. Your hair blows in the breeze a little sexier. Your skin tone glows with anticipation. The flowers bloom a little brighter and the trees stand a little taller. Your nails grow a little faster […]

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