Tag Archives | baby shower

Beer-Battered Fried Calamari Pizza


Babies and pizza! Not to be confused with babies IN pizza. Or babies ON pizza. Or baby pizza. Jess, I’ve been waiting months (years, CENTURIES . . . MILLENNIUMS) to tell you something of utmost vital importance. This is your virtual baby showeeeerrrr! (said like Oprah) Ashley and I came together and rounded up 9257345234 […]

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Kansas City Baby Shower!


I’ve been meaning to post about my KC baby shower since 1974, but with my lame computer in and out and in and out of the hospital, I was terrified the photos were going to disappear into the abyss-o-sphere and I’d never see them again. But we’re all good! And now I can show you! […]

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Lemon Jalapeno Spritzers


Leeeeees! (said like the old guru dude in Eat, Pray, Love)   Happy virtual baby shower baby virtual shower baby virtual day! We all made you things that have lemons in them. Because your site is called The Lemon Bowl. And because you like lemons. And having babies. But not at the same time. Or […]

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Arkansas Baby Shower!


Bebe sherrrrrrrr numero oooone! Talk about being in the spotlight. I was so nervous. I got all sweaty. I got all rambly. I think I said the word nipple like 15 times and that’s why people started to leave? We’ll never know. This SHOWER, ugh. It was perfect. It was adorable, beautiful, lovely, fun, darling, […]

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