Friday Flotsam

wet leaves with snow boots

Faaaaaaaaah-raaaaaaaah-heeeeeeeee-deeeeeeeeeee. I have something to tell you. And this might be a deal breaker for us. Catastrophic even. It’s one of those things that I’ve tried forever to get on board with. Every year, I try. And every year, I can’t. And truthfully, it’s something I’ve known about about myself, I think my whole life, […]

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Friday Flotsam

Fall fence

Freeeeeeeederrrrrrrrrr. I THINK I WANT A TREADMILL. Actually, I know I do. I 9238763435735% want one. It hit me the other day, I’m going to be a winter treadmill person. Because a) I’m a total sissy in the winter when it comes to running outside. Hello, frostbite. And b) I’m a massive baby and refuse to […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall tree in the sun

FrAHAHAHHAHAHiday. I’ve decided the absolute worst thing in the entire world is when someone toots on an airplane. NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO HANDLE IT. Yet everyone ignores it. This is the thing. I’ve personally never tooted on an airplane (I’m serious don’t look at me like that!), yet I feel like the guilty dealter […]

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Mr. Davis Weekender Bag GIVEAWAY!

Mr. Davis Weekender Bag GIVEAWAY!

(This giveaway is now closed! Thanks for playing! bye, now.) First giveaway of the seasooooooon! (insert all the holiday emojis here) And MEN, this one’s for you. Well, I guess – LADIES, this one’s for your man. Because I’m pretty sure I have one male reader. And it’s my dad. So DAD, this one’s for […]

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Puffed Rice Bars

Puffed Rice Bars / Bev Cooks

It’s still after school snack season, right? It totally is. I’ve been wanting to make something like these FOREEEVERRRR. (<–sandlot style) Little quick snack bars made with REAL BUTTER, honey, brown sugar, pinch of cinny, puffed rice, salty sunflower seeds, my entire face. Serious after school snack. They’re insano easy to pull together, too! Lemme […]

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