Friday Flotsam

flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrridledeedeeeeee. So, okay. (<–name that movie.) I’m heading out in a little over a week on an ENORMOUS work trip. I’ve talked about this a bit in Stories (obnoxiously teased is more like it), and I’m ready to tell you where I’m going! (only because the flights are booked and it’s officially official.) I’m meeting […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Sweaty Swiftie Armpitty

Monthly Mixtape: Sweaty Swiftie Armpitty

Look, it’s probably Armpity, but that looks odd too so we’re just going with it. Also, this photo would for sure fall into the category of “keepin’ it real.” This is 100% my treadmill running view. Hahahahaha! I normally have a box fan hanging in front of me but it fused out the other day […]

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Slow Cooker Peanut Chicken Tacos

Slow Cooker Peanut Chicken Tacos / Bev Cooks

Tacos! But let’s do something a little different. And throw-together. (Hey, I listened.) Let me say something upfront, if you don’t want to use the slow cooker for this recipe, absolutely fine. It’s just as easy to brush the (bottled!) peanut sauce over the chicken thighs and give them a hard sear + chop. This […]

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Friday Flotsam

happy hour / bev cooks

Faaaaaarrrrrraaaaaaaarrrdaaaaaaaar. Lavender Haze. (I warned you this would be the first thing we talked about. Don’t x out.) Also today’s Flotsam is p u r e unadulterated pop culture, nostalgia and makeup, so don’t expect the earth’s gravitational pull this morning. Or perhaps expect it more. Did you watch? Watch the video. Go watch it. […]

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Spinach and Pork Meatball Subs

Pork and Spinach Meatball Subs / Bev Cooks

Okay, we might have a bit of a Dr. Seuss situation on our hands here. Because these meatballs are green, bruh. And in the best way. I wanted something substantial. Something with guts. And blanketed under 13 mountains of cheese. And what I came up with was meatball subs. But with pork. And so much […]

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Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup with Kale

Creamy Beef Ravioli with Kale / Bev Cooks

Soup! The ultimate throw-together slurpy sitch. This one here is going to do you so, so right. Savory beef ravioli meets silky kale meets a luxurious creamy fire-roasted tomato base. Hulz yuz. (<–not cool?) But listen, this isn’t just a bag-ripping, can-opening operation. We’re dicing some onion and garlic so simmer down. Also, let us […]

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Friday Flotsam

sofa and plants / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr. r r r r r r r r r aaa-hah. You know when you get an Amber Alert on your phone, and it’s that jarring alarm buzzing sound that rips you from whatever current reverie you were nesting in? And you attempt to grab your phone, knocking over 17 water glasses, 37 books, and […]

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Rice and Bean Enchiladas

Rice and Bean Enchiladas / Bev Cooks

Now thiiiiiis I’d totally call a throw-together meal. Totally. Totes. (<-ew) I just realized no one says “totes” anymore. How terrific is that? Okay, this is completely vegetarian, so if you’d like to slip in some chicken or steak, absolutely fine. But as is like this, is magic in itself. Also I should tell that […]

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Friday Flotsam

living room / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrudeedooodedodetoo! We need new kid beds. Beds for the kids. Like, bad. Badly. Bad and badly. They’ve each slept in matchstick boxes (those cute little ikea beds) since they were around two years old (and they work!), and I’ve been avoiding the subject for about a year now, waiting until one of them starts complaining […]

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