Roasted Eggplant Burgers


When we were in Florida on vacation, (don’t give me that look) the ladies of the group decided to part with the surfing men for an afternoon and have a nice lunch together. Of course it was picturesque, outdoors, next to water and next to sand. We’d found our place. Scanning the menu, I decided […]

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Tempeh and Black Bean Tacos

tempeh tacos

When we were in Florida on vacation, (hey, I warned you) my sister-in-law and I discovered a most charming Mexican food place that side of the Mississippi. Both sharing an addiction for the cuisine, we high-tailed it there after circling the address in a local brochure. Now, you might think of most Mexican food as […]

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Espresso Steak Salad


You’ll have to forgive me as it’s possible that over the next 4 or so weeks, I’ll most likely start every post with, “When we were in Florida on vacation…” Just saying it now. When we were in Florida on vacation, we spent a handful of afternoons in the historic part of downtown St. Augustine, […]

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Mediterranean Barley Toss


Gorgeous. Day. The sort of day perfect for a run, a smidge of yard work, reading a book outdoors, thrifting tank tops for upcoming beach vacation, and a nap. While the nap has yet to happen, I’m sure it will be lovely when it gets here. I guess by then it will be called sleep. […]

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Thai Chicken Salad


Wow, what a day for the books, huh? Half the country spent the afternoon huddled under stairs in their basements. Oprah had her final episode and the world stopped in their tracks to view it. American Idol will pick a new winner, launching a career for a ripe youngin’ into superstardom. I washed my hair. […]

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Slow-Roasted Tomato Pasta


I’m not gonna lie to you. I never got out of my robe today. I knoooow, I knoooow. I have an excuse though! It rained all day. What, not good enough? Let’s see, what about this: all my house work was done? Um, okay. What about: I needed to slow-roast tomatoes today, and that required […]

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Seared Ahi Tuna with Asparagus


I remember when I first moved to Kansas City, Aaron giddily drug me around to a gajillion restaurants, introducing my face to all kinds of new tastes and textures. I’d be embarrassed to admit what I’d not eaten before moving here, so let’s just pretend that I told you and you gasped and I was […]

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