Soy Chorizo and Two-Bean Chili


You’re probably reading the title of this post, rubbing your eyes, re-reading it and thinking, “The girl’s gawn coo-coo. Who eats chili IN AUGUST?” Well hold on now! I need to explain something. For the most part of yesterday, it felt like fall. Delicious, crisp, I-can-go-outside-and-not-die-from-the-heat fall. The temperatures stayed right around 66, steady rain […]

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Homemade Calzones with Chicken and Asparagus


So, yesterday afternoon while Aaron and I marked off some embarrassingly overdue chores on our to-do list, I kept pondering dinner. Out loud. “Hey babe, what should we have for dinner? What do you want to eat? What sounds good tonight? What are you craving? When should we start cooking? Now perhaps? No? Stop talking? […]

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A Pie For Mikey


If you’re in the food blogging world, this story will be devastatingly familiar to you. As we all learned last week, Jennifer Perillo suddenly lost her husband, Mikey, to a massive heart attack, leaving her with her two daughters. I don’t know this woman. And I actually hadn’t discovered her blog until I heard this […]

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Friends, Fun and French Fries


This weekend one of my best friends from high school breezed through town on her way to see family in Colorado. It had been a few years since I’d seen her last. And as expected, we picked right back up where we left off. It’s absolutely impossible for us take a serious picture together. This, […]

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Garden Tomato Pizza


I know I just posted about pizza not too long ago, but  who can really help it? It’s summer, and that obviously means that your face needs the pizza. Especially when every few seconds a nurse brings in a basket of baby tomatoes newly birthed from the garden. * we don’t have a nurse in […]

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I have a problem. A teensy, tiny, itty-bitty problem. I’m obsessed with glasses. Glasses and vases. Lovely, thrifted, vintage glasses and vases. It’s a little frightening to tell you the truth. Once I find myself in a thrift store, it happens. Like, out of nowhere. My eyes glaze over, I foam at the mouth, and […]

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Simple Roasted Chicken


Chicken. It’s a win-win. No matter what you do with it, you’re sure to wear giddy pants while eating it. Grilled, seared, stuffed, shredded, poached, baked; honestly, the world is your oyster. I mean chicken. The chicken is your oyster. I mean, the world is your chicken. Wait, the chicken is your chicken! . . […]

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