Friday Flotsam

Weidner Christmas wrapping - 2016

Friddledeedeeeeeeeee! I WITNESSED A BREAK-IN. And it was the weirdest, I didn’t even know it’s what I was seeing. I mean, I watched a nice SUV drive up to my neighbor’s house, saw a dude get out and walk up to their front door, watched him sort of look around, and then . . . […]

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I Botched a Recipe, But I Have a Song!

Bev and Aaron - 2004

Weeeeeell. What was supposed to be creamy and luscious, turned out oily and separated. What was supposed to take one hour in the oven, took 2 hours and 45 minutes. What was supposed to be seductively tangy and delicately acidic, turned out borderline bitter and pucker face inducing, even producing several under-the-breath grumbles at the […]

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The “Mistletoe and Carrot Nose” Mix

The "Mistletoe and Carrot Nose" Mix - illustration on Big Picture Farm caramel package

Fiiiiiiinally. I have an excuse! You see, it all started on a hot, sticky day in August of 1976, when I was born. Wait, that’s a different story. I’m really, really late on getting you a Monthly Mixtape. But this is what happened! I couldn’t decide on a theme. Which is stupid because it’s December, […]

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Friday Flotsam

Snowflakes on Window

F r  I d    AAAAAAAAAAA     y. I think I’m getting into neck yoga. IT IS A THING, STOP. I feel like the moment my body turned 40, it sent a private DM to Elli (the goddess of old age in Greek mythology) with the subject heading “URGENT!” and a detailed set of […]

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How To Make the Worst DIY Snow Globes Ever.

How to Royally Fail at Making DIY Snow Globes / Bev Cooks

Also known as, the day Christmas crafting turned its back on me. I almost didn’t post this. Because frankly, these DIY snow globes totally blow. But then I thought, “You know what, it’s my job to watch out for fellow crafters out there. Make sure they take no wrong turns in craft life! Lead them […]

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Creamy Pasta with Sausage and Kale

Creamy Pasta with Sausage and Kale / Bev Cooks

Easiest creamy pasta! Ever. Well, today. At least right now. I bet you’re craving those kinds of meals that make themselves. You’ve got a lot to do, man! All your Christmas shopping, baking, party planning, outfit-laying-out, eggnog gulping (<–I’ve never had proper eggnog, can you believe that? Is it grody? Would it give me chest […]

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Friday Flotsam


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF r i dls a we a d aldkjfs a  DAY. I feel like I’ve not posted a Flotsam in 35 hundred thousand lifetimes! Which in reality it was only one week, but so much has happened in the last two WEEKS, you guys. I just needed last Friday off. Except, when I asked my […]

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Friday Flotsam

Fall trees

FAH-reedee. Also known as: ONLY SIX MORE DAYS OF GOBBLE-FEST PREP. (aaaaand six more days until the new Gilmore Girls comes out! Ugh, but we can’t even rightly talk about it because I’m NO WHERE NEAR READY. I’m finishing season two today. Season two! This is how slow I’ve been. But listen! I have – […]

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