Friday Flotsam

our frontyard Dogwood

FRIDay. I mean FriDAY. I mean FRIDAY. I mean Friday. Do you ever think about when you touch produce at the store, how that particular fruit or vegetable becomes yours IMMEDIATELY? And I don’t mean like a pet, you weirdo. I mean like, you touched it. People saw your grimey grubs touch it, and there’s […]

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Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas

Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Don’t you just love all those words back to back? And yes I was tempted to type “pea-zas” but I like having human friends. Can I tell you how much my kids like kale? And I’m seriously not trying to be that obnoxious show-off mom who’s like, “Ohhhh your kids don’t like kaaaale because miiiiine […]

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Simple Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches

Simple Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

I assume because I added pineapple it makes these Hawaiian. (?) But look at that bacon! and MELTED SWISS. I think technically, if a sandwich has pineapple, cheese, and something teriyaki-y in it, it’s Hawaiian. And your entire upper torso. But don’t try to double check that last part because I heard the Internet is […]

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Friday Flotsam


f a r i d a YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAYAY. I STARTED WATCHING BIG LITTLE LIES LAST NIGHT. (terribly sorry to scream sort of.) But whoa! I’m in. In in in. The funny twist on this whole thing (no spoilers, I swear!) is that a while back, HBO wanted me to host a watch party, but it was […]

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Turmeric Chicken Pasta

Turmeric Chicken Pasta / Bev Cooks

Because you need another chicken pasta recipe. NO, YOU DO. I could eat chicken pasta for days. There are kabatrillions of variations out there, all of which are fine and great and whatever. But I’m telling you, this Turmeric Chicken Pasta is going to punch every single one of them in the face. But first, […]

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Monthly Mixtape: Hear the Rainbow

Monthly Mixtape : Hear the Rainbow

Is it just Kansas City, or is it a non-stop Niagara soak sitch for you, too? Not that I’m complaining! I L O V E rain. Sosososososomuch. Love it like something psycho. But. It’s starting to cramp my steeeez, man. And my kids’ steezes. And my house painters’ steezes. And my sandal’s steezes. And I’ll […]

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Friday Flotsam

Dinner at Urban Table

F                                                                                riday.                                             !!! WHAT IS INSTAPOT? Sorry to scream at you first thing in the morning. But like, what the heck is Instapot!? I see them e v e r y w h e r e on everyone’s feeds and I still can’t wrap my head around what […]

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Buffalo Chicken Hoagies

Buffalo Chicken Hoagies / Bev Cooks

Because buffalo. THIS is a total hack meal. Especially on school nights. Hack hack hack. But it doesn’t feel like it because of the thinly sliced red onion, bacon love notes, baby crumbles of blue cheese and whispers of cilantro. But it is. It’s all a hack. Let me show you the hacking ways. It’s […]

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The Easiest Fresh Pasta

The Easiest Fresh Pasta / Bev Cooks

And you don’t even need a machine! (besides your miiiiiiiiieeeeend) The other morning I was flipping through an old magazine in one of those teensy, stale claustrophobic waiting rooms, purple half-gown draped over my shoulders before proceeding to get my chee chees flattened to crepes, (<–life of a 40-year old) when I noticed a torn […]

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