Greek Orzo Pasta Salad

Greek Orzo Pasta Salad / Bev Cooks

Isn’t May 18th the unofficial gateway to pasta salad season in my head? Thought so. I think I just came with your very favorite new pasta salad. I really do. I seriously do. Because it’s not BORING. Not to say other pasta salads are boring. That was rude. But you know how you get super […]

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My Mug Shots (Coffee Mugs! Simmer Down.)

My Mugs Shots. (Coffee Mugs! Simmer Down.)

Did you honestly think they’d let someone like me even cross the prison threshold? Please. Let’s talk about coffee mugs! Also known as, the cockcrow caffeine-carrying cauldron of cheer. But I’m not dramatic about it or anything. It all started, I want to saaay, two Mother’s Days ago. Aaron came home from work early on […]

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Friday Flotsam

Madison Capitol Building

friDAY. FRIday. FRIDAY. friday. Listen to this dream I JUST HAD 20 minutes ago. You’re like, “Not with the dreams agaaaain.” So I was at some big market thing. But it wasn’t just food. It was everything. Shops, restaurants, everything. Everything. (<–just kidding about saying everything 230 times in a row.) I think it was […]

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Chicken and Chickpea Soup

Chicken and Chickpea Soup

This SOUPomg. First of all, sorry about going blog MIA last week. I always think, “I can totally travel and work!” Uhhh, I cannot totally travel and work. Nope nope nope. I get too wrapped up in all the moments and all the people and (all the wine), and I forget all about this little […]

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Friday Flotsam

spring window

Fayrid. I mean Fydair. I mean Fiyadr. I mean Friday. I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING. (you’re like, “whoa she’s just diving right in.”) And this is serious. Big time serious. Mammothy serious. Mega-mama-mouth serious. How often do you buy new bed pillows? Because I feel like I’m pretty good at this stuff! But yesterday, […]

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Mexican Fiesta Bowls

Mexican Fiesta Bowls / Bev Cooks

It’s not what you think. This isn’t a taco salad bowl. Or a burrito bowl. Not really even a Straw Hats bowl. (even though it has fritos in it so don’t get all loco on me.) It’s a MEXICAN FIESTA BOWL – a) because that’s what my mom calls it, and b) apparently I used […]

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Egg, Potato and Ham Bake for Two

Egg, Ham and Potato Bake for Two / Bev Cooks

Oh, girl. I have an idea for your Mother’s Day breakfast and I want this to be any part, some part and all parts of it. Hashtag goat cheese? But this is the thing. You should know, this entire recipe was built around that small cast iron skillet casserole dish thingy. I’m a bona fide […]

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Friday Flotsam

Tinkerbell Lilacs

FRAPPLES AND FRANANAS. Sorry sorry – Friday. Just finished Season 1 of LOVE. (!) It’s so fun. So cute. So WEIRD and AWKWARD. So you know, nothing like me. I want to say I’m just like hot Mickey, minus all the drugs, booze, cigarettes and that overall deep-sadness-in-her-soul thing. But I truly relate to Gus […]

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Easy Bean and Rice Burritos

Easy Bean and Rice Burritos / Bev Cooks

Y’ALL READY FOR DIS. (du du du du du du du du du du du du du.) (ignore me.) Guess what! I’ve been so excited to tell you about this weird hack I came up with a few weeks ago. It’s a Mexican Rice hack. And it’s wild. And you know what, if you already […]

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