Archive | gardening

DIY: Sage Dream Catcher and Eucalyptus Wreath

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I use the words “dream catcher” and “wreath” veeeeeeeery loosely. But, hello: CRAFTS! You’re like, “Bev, that’s a twig, a little string and some sage leaves.” Yes, yes it is, pigeons. You’re welcome. Not only are these crafts boo-honk simple, but they’re like, super nature-y and stuff. Yay! And it’s fall, so double yay! And […]

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Compound Butter: Three Ways!

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You do know that butter is the universal summer staple food, right? Don’t try and look it up because I think the internet is down right now. And books don’t work today. And your friends won’t know this week. Just trust me. These may be my three favorite compound butters of all time! Well, actually […]

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Homemade Lemon Balm Tea


I have a lot of lemon balm in my garden. Like, a lot. No really, a LOT LOT. So much so, that I included a little video at the end of this post of me attempting to harvest lemons in the lemon balm patch. Because that’s how it totally works, right? Oh. Have you ever […]

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Wild Flower Pickin’


The girls are coming over in a bit for some mojitos. We’re going to give my new mortar and pestle a proper christening. For the event, I thought a little bit of backyard wild flower pickin’ was in order. I’m even going to WASH MY HAIR.    

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We’re Back!


Heeey, you guuuuys! We made it HOME. We just pulled up to find our house and car still intact with the Earth after being away for 7 days. Every time we drive down our street and approach our home, I always say to Aaron, “Well, our house is still there! My car is still there!” […]

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Garden Buckwheat Pasta


This is the easiest meal on the planet. It might be the easiest meal on ANY planet, as a matter of fact. And it’s perfect in so many ways. Let me share them with you. * There are like, 3 ingredients. * It takes maybe 15 minutes in all to pull together. * It’s perfection […]

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