Archive | Friday Flotsam

Friday Flotsam

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FREDEEEEEEE. You will NOT believe what happened to me yesterday. You will NOT. So, we’d been dehydrating a bunch of tomatoes and peppers from our garden out in the garage. Our dehydrator is the size of Rhode Island, so we stuck it out there this time, to free up some space inside. You know. So […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Idayfray! (<–remember pig latin? it was an awful trend wasn’t it? shall i never speak of it again? right on.) So, you know how when you’re peeing, you can’t do anything else at all. Once the pee starts, you are stationary, and there’s no getting around it. There could be a tsunami straight up inhaling […]

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Friday Flotsam

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friday. Just kidding! FRIDAYYYYYYY. Just kidding! friday. GUESS. FREAKING. WHAT. You will NOT believe the news I’m about to share. Colossal. Herculean. Massive. Titanic::: I FIGURED OUT THE SNAPCHATS. Finally! I’m totally on board, semi-understand it, and already in-over-my-head-obsessed. It’s a lot of swiping, you guys. And hi, why is the camera always facing ME […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FROODOOOOOOO-y. So, lately I’ve noticed this weird clicking in my neck spine when I run. CLICKING. Every step: click, click, click. I’d honestly be more freaked out about this clicking if I hadn’t noticed it before when I was much younger. I distinctly remember sitting in 11th grade English, Mrs. Whitman’s class, as it was […]

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Friday Flotsam

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FRAY-FRAY-DAY-DAY-CRAY-CRAY-no. I think I’m watching too much Seinfeld. Last night I dreamed (wait, dreamt? is that right? hold on let me look it up. okay it’s right, but it’s weird. dreamt.) about the crew, as if they were my crew. And I wanted them to be my crew! We were all at this gigantic restaurant […]

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Friday Flotsam

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Freedle-dee-do. Woo woo woo! (<–ew) I absolutely love to run. Big runner, this gal. I don’t run crazy long impressive stretches, but I normally manage to get in a 2.5 mile run 4-5 times a week. Which is perfect for me. Of course I love the exercise benefits of running, the strength building, the muscle […]

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Friday Flotsam

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F R I D A YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAH! You will NEVER believe what I saw yesterday on my own front porch here in Kansas City, North America, USofA. NEVER. A w.h.i.te.c.o.c.k.r.o.a.c.h. An albino cockroach! First, I obviously screamed in terror. Then, I looked a little closer at it because hello, it looks like a cockroach dipped in […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAreedee. Look how weird Will’s foot looks in this photo. Like, what is that. It looks like his toes are eight inches long and way up on his foot. He’s like WOLVERINE! But on a foot. And a baby. And not knives. So it’s basically nothing like Wolverine at all. Never mind. So where are […]

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Friday Flotsam

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

FRIDAY. (!!!!!) (!!!!!) (!!!!!!) !!!!! !!!!!! (!!!!!) (<—-i’m sorry, what?) Can you guess which hand is mine? We don’t have to play this game if it makes you uncomfortable. We can move on. I will say though! We had book club this week at my friend’s brand spankin’ new swanky downtown apartment, and we discussed […]

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