Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Friday Flotsam

living room scene / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreedideedoooooooo! If there’s one thing I learned this week, it is what I would be like as an appliance technician. And listen, I have no beef with appliance technicians! (except when they misdiagnose a fridge repair and quote you $800 for the fix and it actually ends up being something else entirely, only putting you […]

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Olive and Lemon Focaccia

Olive and Lemon Focaccia / Bev Cooks

Bread! We like bread. We live for bread. And you’ll lose your mind over this one. This would be a stellar idea for next week. Or this weekend. Or tomorrow. Because we’re nestling lemon slices and briny olives with a pinch of crushed red pepper and flaky sea salt into some rustic bubbly bread and […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall scene / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrridge gets fixed today! Let me back up. Our refrigerator started ticking last Saturday morning and I was like, “Oh haha! Listen to that ticking sound in the vent. Isn’t that cute? Must be waking up.” WRONG. The compressor thingamabob went kaput. It’s out of freon. Which means it’s not cold. Started with the freezer, […]

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Potsticker Soup

Potsticker Soup / Bev Cooks

Okaaaaaay. This right here? About to win your face over. Potsticker soup! Hello, this shortcut is everything. We’re ripping open a bag of frozen potstickers and violently dumping them into a criminally simple soup for a weeknight wowza. What’s not to obsess over? Nothing. There is nothing. You’ll cry over this. We’ll sauté a few […]

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Coconut Pumpkin Ricotta Cake

Coconut Pumpkin Ricotta Cake / Bev Cooks

Ricotta cake. Because I feel like the combo of cheese and cake might be exactly what’s needed. Some of us are hurting. Some aren’t. We’re not getting into any of that though. I refuse to give it energy. However, while we feel our feelings and process what’s ahead, why not have some cake! Some ricotta […]

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Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff

Stovetop Chicken Stroganoff / Bev Cooks

Strog! I call it Strog and everyones hate it. Strog, bro! This is a little different. It’s all stovetop (which I guess most are), but it uses a blend of Greek Yogurt and sour cream with tomato paste that’s to completely scream over. And the chicken – we’re using thighs that we’ve seasoned and seared […]

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Friday Flotsam

pretty fall trees / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruhduflusuh! We got RAIN!!!! IT RAINED LAST NIGHT!!!! And I leapt (leaped?) from the sofa the moment it hit and threw open the back door and danced around the living room like some deranged weirdo (name that tune) and nearly cried. Stayed up PAST my granny bedtime to walk around the entire house and listen […]

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Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup

Creamy Beef Ravioli Soup / Bev Cooks

Soup! It’s soup time. Someone asked me in Instagram the other day when you all were getting a new soup. Well guess what, Chachi. It’s criminally simple. But as always, packs a punch that will have all the oooohs and aaaaahs seeping out everywhere. (that sounded weird, sorry.) We do take a shortcut with frozen […]

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Friday Flotsam

moody books / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrrreedledeedoooo! Why is no one questioning who all these bridesmaids are in Father of the Bride? Like, who actually are they? And the groomsmen! So many! Who are these people again? Because remember, earlier in the movie when they’re all sitting around the patio table eating dinner and discussing the word “pit on a wedding […]

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